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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 15 fourteen-letter words containing E, H, N, P, 2R and U

BUPRENORPHINESBUPRENORPHINE n. an opiate used medicinally as a powerful analgesic.
COUNTERPUNCHERcounterpuncher n. (Tennis) A player who returns every ball and relies on the opponent making mistakes.
counterpuncher n. (Boxing) A boxer who commonly counterpunches.
COUNTERPUNCHER n. one who counterpunches.
DRAUGHTSPERSONdraughtsperson n. Alternative spelling of draftsperson.
DRAUGHTSPERSON n. a gender-neutral term for draughtsman or draughtswoman.
HYPERURBANISMShyperurbanisms n. Plural of hyperurbanism.
HYPERURBANISM n. use of hypercorrect forms in language.
HYPERVIRULENCEhypervirulence n. An increased virulence.
PARANTHROPUSESPARANTHROPUS n. an Olduvai anthropoid ape.
PREAUTHORIZINGpreauthorizing v. Present participle of preauthorize.
REUPHOLSTERINGreupholstering v. Present participle of reupholster.
re-upholstering v. Present participle of re-upholster.
REUPHOLSTER v. to upholster again.
SUNWORSHIPPERSsun-worshippers n. Plural of sun-worshipper.
sun␣worshippers n. Plural of sun worshipper.
SUNWORSHIPPER n. one who worships the sun.
SUPERHARDENINGsuperhardening v. Present participle of superharden.
SUPERHARDEN v. to harden to extremes.
SUPERSTRENGTHSsuperstrengths n. Plural of superstrength.
SUPERSTRENGTH n. exceptional strength.
TECHNOPRENEURStechnopreneurs n. Plural of technopreneur.
TROPHONEUROSEStrophoneuroses n. Plural of trophoneurosis.
TROPHONEUROSIS n. a state of deranged nutrition owing to disorder of the trophic action of the nerves.
TROPHONEUROSIStrophoneurosis n. (Medicine, archaic) Synonym of trophesy.
TROPHONEUROSIS n. a state of deranged nutrition owing to disorder of the trophic action of the nerves.
UNPRAISEWORTHYunpraiseworthy adj. Not praiseworthy.
UNPRAISEWORTHY adj. not praiseworthy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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