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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing E, H, 2I, 2M and O

BIOMATHEMATICSbiomathematics n. (Biology, mathematics) The application of mathematics to the study of biological systems and processes.
BIOMATHEMATICS n. mathematics as applied to the biological sciences.
COMMITTEESHIPScommitteeships n. Plural of committeeship.
COMMITTEESHIP n. the office of committee.
HIEROGRAMMATIChierogrammatic adj. Written in, or pertaining to, hierograms; expressive of sacred writing.
HIEROGRAMMATIC adj. relating to the writing of sacred records.
HOMOEROTICISMShomoeroticisms n. Plural of homoeroticism.
HOMOEROTICISM n. homosexuality, also HOMOEROTISM.
HOMOIOTHERMIESHOMOIOTHERMY n. the maintenance of a constant body temperature, also HOMEOTHERMISM, HOMEOTHERMY, HOMOTHERMY.
IMMETHODICALLYimmethodically adv. Unmethodically.
IMMETHODICAL adv. not methodical.
IMMUNOCHEMICALimmunochemical adj. Pertaining to immunochemistry.
immunochemical n. (Immunology) Any immunoactive chemical compound.
IMMUNOCHEMICAL adj. relating to immunochemistry.
IMMUNOCHEMISTSimmunochemists n. Plural of immunochemist.
IMMUNOCHEMIST n. a student of immunochemistry.
IMMUNOPHORESISIMMUNOPHORESIS n. a technique for identifying an (unknown) antigen or testing for a specific antibody in serum.
IMPOVERISHMENTimpoverishment n. The action of impoverishing someone.
impoverishment n. The state of being impoverished.
IMPOVERISHMENT n. the state of being impoverished.
MICROCHEMISTRYmicrochemistry n. (Chemistry) Chemical techniques for preparing, handling, and analyzing small quantities of chemical…
microchemistry n. (Chemistry) Chemical processes that take place in very small regions, such as on the grain boundaries of a metal.
MICROCHEMISTRY adj. small-scale chemistry.
MONOTHELITISMSMONOTHELITISM n. the doctrine that Christ had only one will, also MONOTHELISM.
MYRMECOPHILIESMYRMECOPHILY n. a symbiotic relation with ants.
SEMIOCHEMICALSsemiochemicals n. Plural of semiochemical.
SEMIOCHEMICAL n. a chemical produced by an animal, e.g. in a scent gland, and used as a means of signalling its presence, readiness to mate etc.
THERIOMORPHISMtheriomorphism n. The shaping of something in the form of an animal.
THERIOMORPHISM n. the belief that gods exist in animal form.
THYMECTOMIZINGthymectomizing v. Present participle of thymectomize.
THYMECTOMIZE v. to perform a thymectomy, also THYMECTOMISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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