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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing E, F, G, I, L, R and U

BULLETPROOFINGbulletproofing v. Present participle of bulletproof.
BULLETPROOF v. to make impenetrable to bullets.
CENTRIFUGALISEcentrifugalise v. Alternative form of centrifugalize.
CENTRIFUGALISE v. to subject to centrifugal force, also CENTRIFUGALIZE.
CENTRIFUGALIZEcentrifugalize v. Synonym of centrifugate.
CENTRIFUGALIZE v. to subject to centrifugal force, also CENTRIFUGALISE.
CIRCUMFLECTINGcircumflecting v. Present participle of circumflect.
CIRCUMFLECT v. to bend round; to mark with a circumflex.
DISREGARDFULLYdisregardfully adv. In a disregardful manner; negligently; heedlessly.
DISREGARDFUL adv. full of disregard.
FIGURABILITIESfigurabilities n. Plural of figurability.
FIGURABILITY n. the quality of being figurable.
FILIBUSTERINGSfilibusterings n. Plural of filibustering.
FILIBUSTERING n. obstructing legislation by making long speeches.
FLAGELLIFEROUSflagelliferous adj. Bearing a flagellum.
FLAGELLIFEROUS adj. bearing a whip or flagellum.
FLUGELHORNISTSflugelhornists n. Plural of flugelhornist.
FLUGELHORNIST n. one who plays the flugelhorn.
FLUOROGRAPHIESfluorographies n. Plural of fluorography.
FLUOROGRAPHY n. the photography of the image produced on a fluorescent screen by X rays.
FRINGILLACEOUSfringillaceous adj. (Zoology) Relating to the finches or Fringillidae.
FRINGILLACEOUS adj. relating to the finches.
GLANDULIFEROUSglanduliferous adj. Bearing glandules.
GLANDULIFEROUS adj. bearing small glands.
OVERFULFILLINGoverfulfilling v. Present participle of overfulfil.
OVERFULFILL v. to fulfill to excess.
PREFORMULATINGpreformulating v. Present participle of preformulate.
PREFORMULATE v. to formulate in advance.
RIGHTFULNESSESRIGHTFULNESS n. the state of being rightful.
SPRIGHTFULNESSsprightfulness n. (Rare) The quality of being sprightful.
SPRIGHTFULNESS n. (obsolete) the state of being sprightful.
ULTRAFILTERINGultrafiltering v. Present participle of ultrafilter.
ULTRAFILTER v. to pass through an ultrafilter.
UNFLATTERINGLYunflatteringly adv. In such a manner as to be unflattering.
UNFLATTERING adv. not flattering.
UNREFLECTINGLYunreflectingly adv. Without mental reflection.
UNREFLECTING adv. not reflecting.
UNRIGHTFULNESSunrightfulness n. The state or quality of being unrightful.
UNRIGHTFULNESS n. the state of being unrightful.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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