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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 12 fourteen-letter words containing 2E, 2M, P and 2R

EPIGRAMMATIZERepigrammatizer n. One who writes in an affectedly pointed style.
EPIGRAMMATIZER n. one who epigrammatizes, also EPIGRAMMATISER.
HETEROMORPHISMheteromorphism n. A diversity of form.
heteromorphism n. A feature that is heteromorphic.
HETEROMORPHISM n. the state of having different forms.
HYPERMODERNISMhypermodernism n. The state or condition of being hypermodern.
hypermodernism n. (Art) An art movement distinguished from modernism and postmodernism chiefly by its extreme and antithetical…
hypermodernism n. (Chess) A school of thought which advocates controlling the centre of the board with distant pieces…
MICROPYROMETERMICROPYROMETER n. a pyrometer for measuring the temperature of very small objects.
MULTIPARAMETERmultiparameter adj. Having, or employing multiple parameters.
MULTIPARAMETER adj. featuring many parameters.
OVERPROGRAMMEDoverprogrammed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overprogram.
overprogrammed v. Simple past tense and past participle of overprogramme.
overprogrammed adj. Given a programme or schedule of too many activities.
PREDETERMINISMpredeterminism n. The belief that all events that occur have already been determined.
PREDETERMINISM n. determinism.
REPROGRAMMABLEreprogrammable adj. That can be reprogrammed; whose program can be replaced with another.
REPROGRAMMABLE adj. capable of being reprogrammed.
SEMIPERIMETERSsemiperimeters n. Plural of semiperimeter.
SEMIPERIMETER n. half the perimeter.
SUPERMEMBRANESsupermembranes n. Plural of supermembrane.
SUPERMEMBRANE n. a type of membrane postulated in certain theories of elementary particles that involve supersymmetry.
SUPERSYMMETRICsupersymmetric adj. (Physics) Pertaining to supersymmetry.
SUPERSYMMETRIC adj. relating to supersymmetry.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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