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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 10 fourteen-letter words containing 2E, G, 2L, O and U

CAMOUFLAGEABLEcamouflageable adj. Capable of being camouflaged.
CAMOUFLAGEABLE adj. capable of being camouflaged.
COLLEAGUESHIPScolleagueships n. Plural of colleagueship.
COLLEAGUESHIP n. the state of being a colleague.
EUGEOSYNCLINALeugeosynclinal adj. Relating to eugeosynclines.
EUGEOSYNCLINAL adj. of or like a eugeosyncline.
FLAGELLIFEROUSflagelliferous adj. Bearing a flagellum.
FLAGELLIFEROUS adj. bearing a whip or flagellum.
GLOBULARNESSESGLOBULARNESS n. the state of being globular.
HETEROLOGOUSLYheterologously adv. In a heterologous manner.
HETEROLOGOUS adv. differing; comprising different parts or parts in different proportions.
LIGNOCELLULOSElignocellulose n. (Biochemistry) The combination of lignin and cellulose in the structural cells of woody plants.
LIGNOCELLULOSE n. any of several compounds of lignin and cellulose occurring in woody tissue.
LOGODAEDALUSESlogodaedaluses n. Plural of logodaedalus.
LOGODAEDALUS n. one skilled in the manipulative use of words.
NEUROGENICALLYneurogenically adv. In a neurogenic manner.
NEUROGENIC adv. caused or stimulated by the nervous system, as opposed to myogenic, having a muscular origin.
OUTGENERALLINGoutgeneralling v. Present participle of outgeneral.
OUTGENERAL v. to surpass in terms of military command.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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