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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 20 fourteen-letter words containing 3E, L, P and 2T

ELECTRODEPOSITelectrodeposit v. To deposit by means of electrodeposition.
ELECTRODEPOSIT n. a deposit (as of metal or rubber) made by electrolysis.
ELECTROPLATERSelectroplaters n. Plural of electroplater.
ELECTROPLATER n. one who electroplates.
ELECTROTHERAPYelectrotherapy n. The use of electrical energy as a medical treatment.
ELECTROTHERAPY n. the therapeutic use of electricity.
ENTEROPNEUSTALENTEROPNEUSTAL adj. of or like an enteropneust.
HETEROPLASTIESheteroplasties n. Plural of heteroplasty.
HETEROPLASTY n. grafting of foreign tissue.
HYPERVENTILATEhyperventilate v. (Intransitive) To breathe quickly and deeply, especially at an abnormally rapid rate.
HYPERVENTILATE v. to breathe rapidly and deeply.
INTEMPESTIVELYintempestively adv. (Obsolete) unseasonably.
INTEMPESTIVE adv. unseasonable; untimely; inopportune.
INTERPRETIVELYinterpretively adv. In an interpretive way.
INTERPRETIVE adv. relating to interpretation, also INTERPRETATIVE.
PATELLECTOMIESpatellectomies n. Plural of patellectomy.
PATELLECTOMY n. the surgical removal of the kneecap.
PERPETUALITIESPERPETUALITY n. the state of being perpetual.
PHOTOELECTRODEphotoelectrode n. (Physics) Either electrode of a photoelectric cell.
PHOTOELECTRODE n. an electrode which can exhibit photoelectricity.
PREMEDITATEDLYpremeditatedly adv. In a premeditated manner.
PREMEDITATED adv. PREMEDITATE, to think about and revolve in the mind beforehand.
PRESENTIMENTALpresentimental adj. Of the nature of a presentiment; foreboding.
PRESENTIMENTAL adj. relating to presentiment.
PRESETTLEMENTSSorry, definition not available.
RADIOTELETYPESradioteletypes n. Plural of radioteletype.
RADIOTELETYPE n. a teleprinter that receives and transmits by radio.
TELEPHONITISESTELEPHONITIS n. excessive use of the telephone.
TELETYPEWRITERteletypewriter n. Synonym of teletype (“telegraph that automatically prints transmited messages in letters rather than…
TELETYPEWRITER n. a printing device resembling a typewriter that is used to send and receive telephonic signals.
TEREPHTHALATESterephthalates n. Plural of terephthalate.
TEREPHTHALATE n. a salt or ester of terephthalic acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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