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List of 14-letter words containing

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There are 17 fourteen-letter words containing 4E, O, P and R

CHEMORECEPTIVEchemoreceptive adj. (Of a sense organ) able to respond to a chemical stimulus.
CHEMORECEPTIVE adj. relating to chemoreception.
ELECTROPHORESEelectrophorese v. (Biochemistry) To carry out electrophoresis on something.
ELECTROPHORESE v. to subject to electrophoresis.
EPHEMEROPTERANephemeropteran n. (Zoology) Any insect of the order Ephemeroptera, the mayflies.
EPHEMEROPTERAN n. any insect of the mayfly family.
HETERODUPLEXESheteroduplexes n. Plural of heteroduplex.
HETERODUPLEX n. a nucleic-acid molecule, such as DNA, composed of two chains with each derived from a different parent molecule.
HYPERDEVELOPEDhyperdeveloped adj. Developed to a very high degree.
NEPHELOMETRIESNEPHELOMETRY n. the measurement of the cloudiness of liquids.
OVERDEPENDENCEoverdependence n. Excessive reliance or dependence on something.
OVERDEPENDENCE n. excessive dependence.
OVERRIPENESSESOVERRIPENESS n. the state of being overripe.
PLEUROCENTESESPLEUROCENTESIS n. the surgical puncture of the pleural cavity using a hollow needle, in order to withdraw fluid, drain blood, etc.
POSTEXPERIENCEpostexperience adj. After an experience.
POSTEXPERIENCE adj. taking place after an experience.
PREADOLESCENCEpreadolescence n. The period between childhood and adolescence, between the ages of about 9 and 11 for girls, and 10 and 12 for boys.
PREADOLESCENCE n. the period of human development just preceding adolescence.
PREDEVELOPMENTpredevelopment n. A phase of preparation prior to development.
PREDEVELOPMENT n. a preliminary development.
PROPENSENESSESPROPENSENESS n. the state of being propense.
REDEVELOPMENTSredevelopments n. Plural of redevelopment.
REDEVELOPMENT n. the act of redeveloping.
SEROPREVALENCEseroprevalence n. The rate of seropositivity in a population; the proportion of a population whose blood serum tests positive…
SPERMIOGENESESspermiogeneses n. Plural of spermiogenesis.
SPERMIOGENESIS n. the stage in spermatogenesis in which spermatozoa are formed from spermatids.
UNDERDEVELOPEDunderdeveloped adj. Immature and not fully developed.
underdeveloped adj. Having a low level of economic productivity and technological sophistication.
underdeveloped adj. (Photography) of a film that has had insufficient development before being fixed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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