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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing E, 2P, 3R and T

COPROPRIETORScoproprietors n. Plural of coproprietor.
COPROPRIETOR n. a joint proprietor.
CRYPTOGRAPHERcryptographer n. A person who is an expert on creating codes and cyphers. Someone who studies cryptology.
CRYPTOGRAPHER n. a specialist in cryptography.
EXPROPRIATORSexpropriators n. Plural of expropriator.
EXPROPRIATOR n. one who expropriates.
PETROGRAPHERSpetrographers n. Plural of petrographer.
PETROGRAPHER n. a practitioner of petrography.
PREPARATORILYpreparatorily adv. In a preparatory manner.
PREPARATORY adv. by way of preparation.
PRETERPERFECTpreterperfect n. (Grammar, archaic) perfect.
PRETERPERFECT n. the perfect tense.
PROPRAETORIALpropraetorial adj. Relating to a propraetor.
PROPRAETORIAL adj. of or like a propraetor, also PROPRAETORIAN.
PROPRIETARIESproprietaries n. Plural of proprietary.
PROPRIETARY n. an owner.
PROPRIETARILYproprietarily adv. In a proprietary way; with an air of ownership.
PROPRIETARY adv. of the nature of property.
PROPRIETORIALproprietorial adj. Of or pertaining to ownership.
proprietorial adj. Characteristic of or behaving like a proprietor or owner (of a thing); possessive.
PROPRIETORIAL adj. relating to ownership.
PROPRIETRICESproprietrices n. Plural of proprietrix.
PROPRIETRIX n. a female proprietor, also PROPRIETRESS.
PROPRIETRIXESproprietrixes n. Plural of proprietrix.
PROPRIETRIX n. a female proprietor, also PROPRIETRESS.
PROPRIOCEPTORproprioceptor n. (Anatomy) A nerve ending that functions as a sensory receptor in muscles, tendons, joints and the inner…
PROPRIOCEPTOR n. a sense organ receptive to stimuli from within the body.
REAPPROPRIATEreappropriate v. To seize and reassign.
reappropriate v. To appropriate again.
reappropriate v. (Sociology) (of a group) To reclaim a term that was previously used to disparage that group.
STRIPPERGRAMSstrippergrams n. Plural of strippergram.
STRIPPERGRAM n. a message delivered by a messenger who performs a striptease act for the recipient, also STRIPAGRAM, STRIPOGRAM, STRIPPAGRAM.
UNDERSTRAPPERunderstrapper n. Any underling or inferior in office.
understrapper n. A freelance operator for MI5.
UNDERSTRAPPER n. an inferior agent; an underling.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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