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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing E, M, N, 2P and 2S

APPETISEMENTSAPPETISEMENT n. the state of being appetising.
APPRAISEMENTSappraisements n. Plural of appraisement.
APPRAISEMENT n. the act of appraising.
MISAPPREHENDSmisapprehends v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of misapprehend.
MISAPPREHEND v. to apprehend wrongly.
NEWSPAPERDOMSNEWSPAPERDOM n. the world of newspapers.
NEWSPAPERISMSNEWSPAPERISM n. the system of having newspapers.
NYMPHOLEPSIESnympholepsies n. Plural of nympholepsy.
NYMPHOLEPSY n. a trance incurred by erotic daydreams.
PANSPERMATISMpanspermatism n. (Historical) The obsolete theory that germs are omnipresent.
PANSPERMATISM n. the theory that life could be diffused through the universe by means of germs carried by meteorites, also PANSPERMIA, PANSPERMISM, PANSPERMY.
PANSPERMATISTpanspermatist n. Alternative form of panspermist.
PANSPERMATIST n. a believer in panspermia.
PERISPOMENONSPERISPOMENON n. a word having a circumflex accent on the final syllable.
POMPOUSNESSESpompousnesses n. Plural of pompousness.
POMPOUSNESS n. the state of being pompous.
POSTMENOPAUSEpostmenopause n. The period in which menopause no longer occurs; often defined as the first full year in which no menstruation occurs.
POSTPONEMENTSpostponements n. Plural of postponement.
POSTPONEMENT n. the act of postponing.
PREMENOPAUSESSorry, definition not available.
SPHYGMOPHONESsphygmophones n. Plural of sphygmophone.
SPHYGMOPHONE n. an instrument for hearing the pulse.
SPOKESMANSHIPspokesmanship n. The position of being a spokesman.
SPOKESMANSHIP n. the office of spokesman.
SUPERIMPOSINGsuperimposing v. Present participle of superimpose.
superimposing n. Alternative form of superimposition.
SUPERIMPOSE v. to place or lay over or above something.
SUPPLEMENTALSsupplementals n. Plural of supplemental.
SUPPLEMENTAL n. something serving to supplement.
SUPPLEMENTERSsupplementers n. Plural of supplementer.
SUPPLEMENTER n. one who supplements.
UPPERCLASSMANupperclassman n. (US) A junior or senior student in a school or college.
UPPERCLASSMAN n. a member of the junior or senior class in a school or college.
UPPERCLASSMENupperclassmen n. Plural of upperclassman.
UPPERCLASSMAN n. a member of the junior or senior class in a school or college.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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