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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 12 thirteen-letter words containing E, 2M, 3O and S

COMMEMORATORScommemorators n. Plural of commemorator.
COMMEMORATOR n. one who commemorates.
GYNOMONOECISMGYNOMONOECISM n. the state of being gynomonoecious.
HOMEOMORPHIESHOMEOMORPHY n. the state of being homeomorphic, also HOMOMORPHY.
HOMEOMORPHISMhomeomorphism n. (Topology) a continuous bijection from one topological space to another, with continuous inverse.
homeomorphism n. (Chemistry) a similarity in the crystal structure of unrelated compounds.
HOMEOMORPHISM n. one-to-one correspondence of two geometric figures that is continuous in both directions.
HOMEOMORPHOUShomeomorphous adj. Similar in form or structure.
homeomorphous adj. (Mathematics) Homeomorphic.
HOMEOMORPHOUS adj. like a homeomorph.
HOMEOTHERMOUSHOMEOTHERMOUS adj. keeping the same temperature, warm-blooded.
HOMOEROTICISMhomoeroticism n. The state or quality of being homoerotic.
HOMOEROTICISM n. homosexuality, also HOMOEROTISM.
HOMOMORPHOSESHOMOMORPHOSIS n. regeneration of a lost part in the original form.
ISOCHROMOSOMEisochromosome n. (Cytology) An abnormal chromosome in which one arm has been lost and replaced with an exact copy of the other arm.
ISOCHROMOSOME n. a chromosome produced by transverse splitting of the centromere so that both arms are from the same side of the centromere, are of equal length, and possess identical genes.
MICROCOSMOSESmicrocosmoses n. Plural of microcosmos.
MICROCOSMOS n. a little universe or world.
MONOCHROMATESmonochromates n. Plural of monochromate.
monochromates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of monochromate.
MONOCHROMATE n. a person who sees all colours as different shades of a single colour, also MONOCHROMAT.
MONOTREMATOUSmonotrematous adj. (Zoology) Of or pertaining to the Monotremata or monotremes.
monotrematous adj. (Ichthyology) Of the olfactory organ of a fish, having a single opening from which water flows in and out.
MONOTREMATOUS adj. like a monotreme.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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