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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing E, L, 2M, 2N and T

COMPLEMENTINGcomplementing v. Present participle of complement.
COMPLEMENT v. to be complementary to.
COMPLIMENTINGcomplimenting v. Present participle of compliment.
COMPLIMENT v. to express admiration for.
DISMANTLEMENTdismantlement n. The act of dismantling; disassembly.
DISMANTLEMENT n. the act of dismantling.
EMBLAZONMENTSemblazonments n. Plural of emblazonment.
EMBLAZONMENT n. the act of emblazoning.
EMBRANGLEMENTembranglement n. Embroilment, entanglement; the state of being or getting embrangled.
EMBRANGLEMENT n. the act of embrangling.
ENTRAMMELLINGentrammelling v. Present participle of entrammel.
ENTRAMMEL v. to trammel; to entangle.
IMPERMANENTLYimpermanently adv. In an impermanent manner.
IMPERMANENT adv. not permanent.
INTERCOMMUNALintercommunal adj. Between communities or communes.
INTERCOMMUNAL adj. between communities.
MISALIGNMENTSmisalignments n. Plural of misalignment.
MISALIGNMENT n. a wrong alignment.
MONOFILAMENTSmonofilaments n. Plural of monofilament.
MONOFILAMENT n. a single filament of synthetic fibre, also MONOFIL.
MONUMENTALISEmonumentalise v. Alternative form of monumentalize.
MONUMENTALISE v. to record or memorialize lastingly by a monument, also MONUMENTALIZE.
MONUMENTALITYmonumentality n. The quality or state of being monumental.
MONUMENTALITY n. the state of being monumental.
MONUMENTALIZEmonumentalize v. To make something become or appear monumental.
MONUMENTALIZE v. to record or memorialize lastingly by a monument, also MONUMENTALISE.
NEMATHELMINTHnemathelminth n. Any nematode worm.
NEMATHELMINTH n. a member of the Nemathelminthes, a phylum of worms including nematodes.
NONEMPLOYMENTnonemployment n. Unemployment.
nonemployment adj. Not of or pertaining to employment.
NONEMPLOYMENT n. something that is not employment.
UNEMPLOYMENTSunemployments n. Plural of unemployment.
UNEMPLOYMENT n. the state of being unemployed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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