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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing E, 2L, N, P, R and U

CERULOPLASMINceruloplasmin n. (Biochemistry) A blue metalloprotein that contains copper; it acts as a ferroxidase in association with transferrin.
CERULOPLASMIN n. a blue copper-binding serum oxidase that is deficient in Wilson's disease.
COUNTERSPELLScounterspells n. Plural of counterspell.
COUNTERSPELL n. a spell intended to counter the effect of another spell.
INTERPLUVIALSinterpluvials n. Plural of interpluvial.
INTERPLUVIAL n. a period between bouts of rain.
NULLIPARITIESNULLIPARITY n. the state of being a nullipara.
POLLENIFEROUSpolleniferous adj. (Botany) Producing pollen; polliniferous.
POLLENIFEROUS adj. bearing pollen.
POLLINIFEROUSpolliniferous adj. (Botany) Producing pollen; polleniferous.
POLLINIFEROUS adj. producing pollen; adapted for carrying pollen.
PORCELLANEOUSporcellaneous adj. Of or relating to porcelain; resembling porcelain.
porcellaneous adj. (Zoology) Having a smooth, compact shell without pores; said of certain Foraminifera.
PULVERULENCESPULVERULENCE n. the state of being pulverulent, powdery.
SPLUTTERINGLYsplutteringly adv. With spluttering noises.
SPLUTTERING adv. speaking rapidly and confusedly.
SULPHONYLUREAsulphonylurea n. Alternative spelling of sulfonylurea.
SULPHONYLUREA n. a synthetic compound used to reduce the level of glucose in the blood in diabetes mellitus.
SUPERNORMALLYsupernormally adv. In a supernormal fashion.
SUPERNORMAL adv. exceeding the normal or average.
UNAPPARELLINGunapparelling v. Present participle of unapparel.
UNAPPAREL v. to divest of clothing; to strip.
UNEMPIRICALLYunempirically adv. Not empirically; without experiment or experience.
UNIPARENTALLYuniparentally adv. From, or relating to, only one parent.
UNIPARENTAL adv. derived from a single parent.
UNPLEASURABLEunpleasurable adj. That gives displeasure.
UNPLEASURABLE adj. not pleasurable.
UNPLEASURABLYunpleasurably adv. In an unpleasurable manner.
UNPLEASURABLE adv. not pleasurable.
UNPOLARISABLEunpolarisable adj. (British spelling) Alternative form of unpolarizable.
UNPOLARISABLE adj. not polarisable, also UNPOLARIZABLE.
UNPOLARIZABLEunpolarizable adj. That cannot be polarized.
UNPOLARIZABLE adj. not polarizable, also UNPOLARISABLE.
UNREPLACEABLEunreplaceable adj. Irreplaceable.
UNREPLACEABLE adj. not replaceable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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