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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 10 thirteen-letter words containing E, I, L, 3O and U

AILOUROPHOBESailourophobes n. Plural of ailourophobe.
AILOUROPHOBE n. one with a morbid fear of cats.
ENTOMOPHILOUSentomophilous adj. Of, pertaining to, or pollinated by means of entomophily.
ENTOMOPHILOUS adj. of flowers, pollinated by insects.
EOSINOPHILOUSEOSINOPHILOUS adj. staining readily with eosin, also EOSINOPHILIC.
FLUOROSCOPIESfluoroscopies n. Plural of fluoroscopy.
FLUOROSCOPY n. examination with a fluoroscope.
LEONTOPODIUMSLEONTOPODIUM n. any plant of the Eurasian alpine genus Leontopodium, that includes edelweiss.
MONONUCLEOSISmononucleosis n. (Pathology) A viral infection marked by extreme fatigue, high fever, and swollen lymph nodes.
MONONUCLEOSIS n. an abnormal increase of mononuclear white blood cells in the blood.
ODORIFEROUSLYodoriferously adv. In an odoriferous manner.
ODORIFEROUS adv. giving off an odour; morally offensive, also ODIFEROUS.
OVERCOLOURINGovercolouring v. Present participle of overcolour.
overcolouring n. Excessive use of colour; (chiefly in extended use) exaggeration in description; an instance of this.
OVERCOLOUR v. to colour to excess, also OVERCOLOR.
PULMONOLOGIESPULMONOLOGY n. the branch of medicine concerned with the study of the lungs.
STOLONIFEROUSstoloniferous adj. Producing stolons; putting forth suckers.
STOLONIFEROUS adj. bearing or having runners.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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