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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing E, H, M, 2P, R and T

AMPHIPROSTYLEamphiprostyle adj. (Architecture, chiefly historical, of a temple or edifice) Having columns at either end but not along the sides.
amphiprostyle n. (Architecture, historical) An amphiprostyle temple or edifice.
AMPHIPROSTYLE adj. with columns at each end but not at sides.
COMPUTERPHOBEcomputerphobe n. A person afflicted by computerphobia; one who fears or dislikes computers.
COMPUTERPHOBE n. one with a fear of computers.
HYPERMETROPIAhypermetropia n. Hyperopia.
HYPERMETROPIA n. longsightedness, aka hyperopia, also HYPERMETROPY.
HYPERMETROPIChypermetropic adj. Exhibiting or relating to hypermetropia.
hypermetropic n. An individual who has hypermetropia.
IMPERATORSHIPIMPERATORSHIP n. the office of imperator.
MORPHOTROPIESMORPHOTROPY n. the effect on crystalline form of the addition or substitution of an element or radical.
PAMPHLETEEREDpamphleteered v. Simple past tense and past participle of pamphleteer.
PAMPHLETEER v. to write and/or distribute pamphlets.
PHOTOCOMPOSERphotocomposer n. A machine that performs photocomposition.
PHOTOCOMPOSER n. one who photocomposes.
PHOTOPOLYMERSphotopolymers n. Plural of photopolymer.
PHOTOPOLYMER n. a photosensitive plastic used esp. in the manufacture of printing plates.
PNEUMATOPHOREpneumatophore n. (Zoology) A gas-filled sac or float of some colonial marine coelenterates, such as the Portuguese man-of-war.
pneumatophore n. (Botany) An aerial root, in mangroves etc., specialized for gaseous exchange.
pneumatophore n. An apparatus consisting of a bag with a tube and mouthpiece, which may be attached to the body. The…
PROPHETICISMSpropheticisms n. Plural of propheticism.
PROPHETICISM n. being prophetic.
PYROMORPHITESpyromorphites n. Plural of pyromorphite.
PYROMORPHITE n. a green, brown, or yellow lead ore.
RAPPROCHEMENTrapprochement n. The reestablishment of cordial relations, particularly between two countries; a reconciliation.
RAPPROCHEMENT n. (French) a resumption of or improvement in relations between countries or persons.
SPERMATOPHOREspermatophore n. (Biology) A spermospore.
spermatophore n. (Zoology) A capsule or pocket enclosing a number of spermatozoa, found in many annelids, brachiopods…
SPERMATOPHORE n. a case enclosing the spermatozoa of certain crustaceans, molluscs and amphibians.
SPERMATOPHYTEspermatophyte n. (Botany) Any plant that bears seeds rather than spores.
SPERMATOPHYTE n. a seed plant.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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