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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing E, H, 3I, P and R

ANTINEPHRITICantinephritic adj. (Pharmacology) Counteracting, or deemed of use in, diseases of the kidneys.
antinephritic n. An antinephritic remedy.
ANTINEPHRITIC adj. acting against diseases of the kidney.
HEMIPARASITIChemiparasitic adj. Semiparasitic.
HEMIPARASITIC adj. of or like a hemiparasite.
IMPOVERISHINGimpoverishing v. Present participle of impoverish.
IMPOVERISH v. to make poor, also EMPOVERISH.
LITHOTRIPSIESlithotripsies n. Plural of lithotripsy.
LITHOTRIPSY n. the surgical operation of crushing a stone in the bladder, kidney or gall bladder, so that its fragments may be passed naturally from the body.
MINISTERSHIPSministerships n. Plural of ministership.
MINISTERSHIP n. the office of minister.
PERIHEPATITISperihepatitis n. (Medicine, pathology) Inflammation of the serous or peritoneal coating of the liver.
PERIHEPATITIS n. inflammation of the peritoneum covering the liver.
PERINEPHRITISperinephritis n. (Medicine) inflammation of the cellular tissue around the kidney.
PERINEPHRITIS n. inflammation of the perinephrium.
PERISHABILITYperishability n. The quality of being perishable.
PERISHABILITY n. the state of being perishable.
PERITYPHLITISperityphlitis n. (Medicine) inflammation of the connective tissue around the caecum.
PERITYPHLITIS n. inflammation of some part near the caecum or blindgut.
PRIZEFIGHTINGprizefighting n. (Sports) Professional boxing, in which two fighters compete for a prize.
PRIZEFIGHTING n. professional boxing.
PROHIBITIVELYprohibitively adv. In a prohibitive manner.
prohibitively adv. To a prohibitive extent.
PROHIBITIVE adv. tending to prohibit or restrain.
PYRITHIAMINESPYRITHIAMINE n. an antivitamin causing thiamine (vitamin B1) deficiency.
SCRIPOPHILIESSCRIPOPHILY n. the hobby of collecting historic stock and bond certificates.
SEIGNIORSHIPSseigniorships n. Plural of seigniorship.
SEIGNIORSHIP n. the office of seignior.
SIDEROPHILINSSIDEROPHILIN n. any of a group of blood glycoproteins that transport iron, aka transferrin.
SPHAIRISTIKESSPHAIRISTIKE n. (Greek) a ball game that developed into lawn tennis.
SPHEROIDICITYspheroidicity n. The quality or state of being spheroidal.
SPHEROIDICITY n. the state of being spheroid.
SPHEROIDISINGSPHEROIDISE v. to develop spherulitic or granular structure in, also SPHEROIDIZE.
SPHEROIDIZINGspheroidizing v. Present participle of spheroidize.
SPHEROIDIZE v. to develop spherulitic or granular structure in, also SPHEROIDISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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