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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing E, G, 4I and S

COGNITIVITIESCOGNITIVITY n. the state of being cognitive.
DIGESTIBILITYdigestibility n. The degree to which something is digestible.
DIGESTIBILITY n. the fitness of something for digestion.
DISINHERITINGdisinheriting v. Present participle of disinherit.
DISINHERIT v. to deprive of an inheritance, also DISHERIT.
ELIGIBILITIESeligibilities n. Plural of eligibility.
ELIGIBILITY n. the state of being eligible.
FUNGIBILITIESfungibilities n. Plural of fungibility.
FUNGIBILITY n. the state of being fungible.
GULLIBILITIESgullibilities n. Plural of gullibility.
GULLIBILITY n. the state of being gullible.
HIBERNICISINGHibernicising v. Present participle of Hibernicise.
IMPERIALISINGimperialising v. Present participle of imperialise.
IMPERIALISE v. to make imperial, also IMPERIALIZE.
INCENTIVISINGincentivising v. Present participle of incentivise.
INCENTIVISE v. to give an incentive, also INCENTIVIZE.
INTERIORISINGinteriorising v. Present participle of interiorise.
INTERIORISE v. to make interior.
IRRELIGIONISTirreligionist n. One who is irreligious.
IRRELIGIONIST n. one who has no religion.
ORIGINALITIESoriginalities n. Plural of originality.
ORIGINALITY n. the state of being original.
REINSPIRITINGreinspiriting v. Present participle of reinspirit.
REINSPIRIT v. to give fresh spirit to.
RELIGIONISINGreligionising v. Present participle of religionise.
RELIGIONISE v. to imbue with religion, also RELIGIONIZE.
RELIGIOSITIESreligiosities n. Plural of religiosity.
RELIGIOSITY n. the state of being religiose.
SIGNIFICATIVEsignificative adj. (Usually followed by of) That tends to signify or indicate; indicative.
significative adj. That has meaning or significance; significant.
SIGNIFICATIVE adj. significant, suggestive.
TANGIBILITIEStangibilities n. Plural of tangibility.
TANGIBILITY n. the state of being tangible.
VITILITIGATESVITILITIGATE v. to be particularly quarrelsome.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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