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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 12 thirteen-letter words containing E, F, M, P, R, S and T

IMPERFECTIONSimperfections n. Plural of imperfection.
IMPERFECTION n. the state of being imperfect.
IMPERFECTIVESimperfectives n. Plural of imperfective.
IMPERFECTIVE n. a tense expressing incomplete action.
IMPERFECTNESSimperfectness n. The state of being imperfect.
IMPERFECTNESS n. the state of being imperfect.
MIFEPRISTONESMIFEPRISTONE n. a synthetic compound that inhibits the action of progesterone, used in pill form to induce abortion in early pregnancy.
PATERFAMILIASpaterfamilias n. A man who is the head of a household, family or tribe.
pater␣familias n. Alternative spelling of paterfamilias.
PATERFAMILIAS n. (Latin) the head of the family.
PERFECTIONISMperfectionism n. An unwillingness to settle for anything less than perfection.
perfectionism n. (Philosophy) A belief that spiritual perfection may be achieved during life, or that it should be striven for.
PERFECTIONISM n. the doctrine that moral perfection constitutes the highest value.
PERFORMATIVESperformatives n. Plural of performative.
PERFORMATIVE n. such a statement, as opposed to constative.
PREFORMATIONSpreformations n. Plural of preformation.
PREFORMATION n. previous formation.
PREFORMATIVESpreformatives n. Plural of preformative.
PREFORMATIVE n. a prefixture in Semitic languages.
PREFORMULATESpreformulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of preformulate.
PREFORMULATE v. to formulate in advance.
TELESCOPIFORMtelescopiform adj. Shaped like a telescope, with retractile tubular portions.
TELESCOPIFORM adj. in the form of a telescope.
WAFFLESTOMPERwafflestomper n. Alternative form of waffle stomper.
waffle-stomper n. Alternative form of waffle stomper.
waffle␣stomper n. (Footwear, informal) A type of heavy hiking boot with ridged soles.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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