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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing E, F, G, R, 2S and T

AGROFORESTERSagroforesters n. Plural of agroforester.
AGROFORESTER n. one who practices agroforestry.
FESTIVALGOERSfestivalgoers n. Plural of festivalgoer.
festival-goers n. Plural of festival-goer.
FESTIVALGOER n. one who attends a festival.
FORESIGHTLESSforesightless adj. Lacking foresight.
FORESIGHTLESS adj. without foresight.
FORESTALLINGSforestallings n. Plural of forestalling.
FORESTALLING n. the act of forestalling.
FORGETFULNESSforgetfulness n. The quality of being forgetful; proneness to let slip from the mind.
forgetfulness n. Loss of remembrance or recollection; a ceasing to remember; oblivion.
forgetfulness n. Failure to bear in mind; careless omission; inattention.
FORGOTTENNESSforgottenness n. (Philosophy) The quality or state of being forgotten.
FORGOTTENNESS n. the state of being forgotten.
FRIGHTFULNESSfrightfulness n. The quality of being frightful.
FRIGHTFULNESS n. the state of being frightful.
FRONTOGENESESfrontogeneses n. Plural of frontogenesis.
FRONTOGENESIS n. the creation of a weather front by the meeting of air currents.
FRONTOGENESISfrontogenesis n. (Meteorology, oceanography) The formation or strengthening of an atmospheric weather front or of an oceanic front.
FRONTOGENESIS n. the creation of a weather front by the meeting of air currents.
FUSSBUDGETIERFUSSBUDGETY adj. like a fussbudget, a person who fusses about unimportant things.
REGRETFULNESSregretfulness n. The state or condition of being regretful.
REGRETFUL n. full of regret.
RETRANSFUSINGretransfusing v. Present participle of retransfuse.
RETRANSFUSE v. to transfuse again.
SUFFRAGETTISMsuffragettism n. The suffragette movement for women’s voting rights.
SUFFRAGETTISM n. belief in the aims of the suffragette.
TRIGGERFISHEStriggerfishes n. Plural of triggerfish.
TRIGGERFISH n. a kind of fish, with a large spine on the dorsal fin which can be locked upright by a second smaller spine.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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