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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing 2E, P, 2S, U and Y

EMPHYSEMATOUSemphysematous adj. (Medicine) Related, similar to or involving emphysema; swollen, bloated.
EMPHYSEMATOUS adj. relating to emphysema.
ERYSIPELATOUSerysipelatous adj. Resembling erysipelas.
ERYSIPELATOUS adj. suffering from the skin disease erysipelas.
HYPERSURFACEShypersurfaces n. Plural of hypersurface.
HYPERSURFACE n. a figure that is the analogue in hyperspace of a surface in three-dimensional space.
PESTIFEROUSLYpestiferously adv. In a pestiferous manner.
PESTIFEROUS adv. bringing plague or pestilence.
PLAYFULNESSESplayfulnesses n. Plural of playfulness.
PLAYFULNESS n. the state of being playful.
PNEUMATOLYSESpneumatolyses n. Plural of pneumatolysis.
PNEUMATOLYSIS n. the destructive action of the hot vapours of magma on igneous rock.
PRAYERFULNESSprayerfulness n. The state or quality of being prayerful.
PRAYERFUL n. given to prayer.
PRESBYACOUSESPRESBYACOUSIS n. progressive loss of hearing with advancing old age, also PRESBYACUSIS, PRESBYCOUSIS, PRESBYCUSIS.
PURPOSELESSLYpurposelessly adv. In a purposeless manner; to no end; for no reason.
PURPOSELESS adv. having no purpose.
SUPERPOLYMERSsuperpolymers n. Plural of superpolymer.
SUPERPOLYMER n. a superior polymer.
SUPERSENSIBLYsupersensibly adv. In a supersensible manner.
SUPERSENSIBLE adv. beyond physical perception; spiritual.
SUPERSUBTLETYsupersubtlety n. Extreme subtlety.
SUPERSUBTLETY n. the state of being supersubtle.
SUPERSYMMETRYsupersymmetry n. (Physics) A theory that attempts to unify the fundamental physical forces and which proposes a physical…
SUPERSYMMETRY n. the correspondence between fermions and bosons of identical mass that is postulated to have existed during the opening moments of the big bang and that relates gravity to the other forces of nature.
SUSPENSEFULLYsuspensefully adv. In a suspenseful manner.
SUSPENSEFUL adv. full of suspense.
TEMPESTUOUSLYtempestuously adv. In a tempestuous manner.
TEMPESTUOUS adv. of or like a tempest.
UNSUSPECTEDLYunsuspectedly adv. In a manner not previously suspected.
UNSUSPECTED adv. not suspected.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 79 words
  • Scrabble in French: 18 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 7 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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