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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 2E, 2N, P, R and V

CONVENERSHIPSCONVENERSHIP n. the office of convener.
CONVERTAPLANEconvertaplane n. Alternative form of convertiplane.
CONVERTAPLANE n. an aircraft that can land and take off vertically by temporarily directing its propulsive thrust downwards, also CONVERTIPLANE, CONVERTOPLANE.
CONVERTIPLANEconvertiplane n. Any of several forms of aircraft capable of both vertical takeoff and landing, and of normal forward…
CONVERTIPLANE n. an aircraft that can land and take off vertically by temporarily directing its propulsive thrust downwards, also CONVERTAPLANE, CONVERTOPLANE.
CONVERTOPLANECONVERTOPLANE n. an aircraft that can land and take off vertically by temporarily directing its propulsive thrust downwards, also CONVERTAPLANE, CONVERTIPLANE.
NONDISPERSIVEnondispersive adj. Not dispersive.
NONDISPERSIVE adj. not dispersive.
NONPERMISSIVEnonpermissive adj. Not permissive.
NONPERMISSIVE adj. not permissive.
NONRESPONSIVEnonresponsive adj. Not responsive.
NONRESPONSIVE adj. not responsive.
OVERDEEPENINGoverdeepening v. Present participle of overdeepen.
overdeepening n. A very deeply eroded portion of a basin or valley.
OVERDEEPENING adj. excessively deepening.
OVERDEPENDENToverdependent adj. Excessively dependent.
OVERDEPENDENT adj. excessively dependent.
OVEREXPANDINGoverexpanding v. Present participle of overexpand.
OVEREXPAND v. to expand excessively.
OVEREXPANSIONoverexpansion n. Excessive expansion, especially expansion that is not sustainable.
OVEREXPANSION n. excessive expansion.
OVERSPENDINGSoverspendings n. Plural of overspending.
OVERSPENDING n. excessive spending.
PRECONCEIVINGpreconceiving v. Present participle of preconceive.
PRECONCEIVE v. to form (as an opinion) prior to actual knowledge or experience.
PRECONVENTIONpreconvention adj. Before a convention (meeting or gathering).
preconvention n. A preliminary convention.
PRECONVENTION adj. preceding a convention.
PREVALENTNESSPREVALENT n. prevailing, widespread.
SUPERVENIENCEsupervenience n. (Philosophy) The state or quality of being supervenient, of being in a dependency relationship such…
SUPERVENIENCE n. the act of supervening.
SUPERVENTIONSsuperventions n. Plural of supervention.
SUPERVENTION n. the act of supervening.
UNPREVENTABLEunpreventable adj. Not preventable.
unpreventable n. Something that cannot be prevented.
UNPREVENTABLE adj. not preventable.
VENEPUNCTURESvenepunctures n. Plural of venepuncture.
VENEPUNCTURE n. the puncturing of a vein with a hypodermic needle, to draw off a sample of blood, also VENIPUNCTURE.
VENIPUNCTURESvenipunctures n. Plural of venipuncture.
VENIPUNCTURE n. the puncturing of a vein with a hypodermic needle, to draw off a sample of blood, also VENEPUNCTURE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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