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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing 2E, 2M, O, R and U

COMMEASURABLEcommeasurable adj. Having the same measure; commensurate; proportional.
COMMEASURABLE adj. able to be commeasured.
COMMENSURABLEcommensurable adj. Able to be measured using a common standard.
commensurable adj. Related in size or scale; commensurate or proportionate.
commensurable adj. (Mathematics) (of two or more numbers) Divisible by the same number WP.
COULOMBMETERScoulombmeters n. Plural of coulombmeter.
COULOMBMETER n. an instrument for measuring the amount of a substance released in electrolysis, also COULOMETER.
HOMEOTHERMOUSHOMEOTHERMOUS adj. keeping the same temperature, warm-blooded.
HUMORSOMENESShumorsomeness n. (Dated) The quality of being humorsome.
HUMORSOMENESS n. the state of being humorsome.
INTERCOMMUNEDintercommuned v. Simple past tense and past participle of intercommune.
INTERCOMMUNE v. to commune mutually or together.
INTERCOMMUNESintercommunes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of intercommune.
INTERCOMMUNE v. to commune mutually or together.
MACROMOLECULEmacromolecule n. (Chemistry, biochemistry) A very large molecule, especially used in reference to large biological polymers…
MACROMOLECULE n. a very large molecule, as of a protein or rubber.
MEMBRANACEOUSmembranaceous adj. Resembling or having properties of a membrane.
METACOMPUTERSMETACOMPUTER n. a collection of computers that looks and functions like a single computer.
MISDEMEANOURSmisdemeanours n. Plural of misdemeanour.
MISDEMEANOUR n. in UK formerly, a crime less serious than a felony, also MISDEMEANOR.
MULTIEMPLOYERmultiemployer adj. Of or pertaining to more than one employer.
multiemployer n. One of a group of multiple employers who work cooperatively on one or more personnel issues.
MULTIEMPLOYER n. one who employs many workers.
PNEUMATOMETERpneumatometer n. A device used to measure the force of inspiration or expiration of a person’s lungs.
PNEUMATOMETER n. an instrument for measuring quantity of air breathed.
PNEUMATOMETRYpneumatometry n. Spirometry.
PNEUMATOMETRY n. the measurement of the pressure exerted by air being inhaled or exhaled during a single breath.
TELECOMMUTERStelecommuters n. Plural of telecommuter.
TELECOMMUTER n. one who telecommutes.
UNRECOMMENDEDunrecommended adj. Not recommended; discouraged.
UNRECOMMENDED adj. not recommended.
VOLUMENOMETERvolumenometer n. An instrument that measures the volume (three-dimensional space) of something that cannot be immersed in liquid.
VOLUMENOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the volume of a solid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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