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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing 2E, L, R, S, T and X

DEXTROGLUCOSEdextroglucose n. (Archaic) dextrose (D-glucose) form of glucose.
DEXTROGLUCOSE n. a white soluble sweet-tasting crystalline solid that is the dextrorotatory isomer of glucose, aka dextrose.
EXASPERATEDLYexasperatedly adv. In an exasperated manner.
EXASPERATED adv. EXASPERATE, to excite the anger of.
EXCRESCENTIALexcrescential adj. Pertaining to, or resembling, an excrescence.
EXCRESCENTIAL adj. of or like an excrescence.
EXEMPLARITIESexemplarities n. Plural of exemplarity.
EXEMPLARITY n. the state of being exemplary.
EXORABILITIESEXORABILITY n. the state of being exorable.
EXTERNALISINGexternalising v. Present participle of externalise.
EXTERNALISE v. to make external, also EXTERNALIZE.
EXTERNALITIESexternalities n. Plural of externality.
EXTERNALITY n. the state of being external.
EXTRASYSTOLESextrasystoles n. Plural of extrasystole.
EXTRASYSTOLE n. a premature beat of one of the chambers of the heart that leads to momentary arrhythmia.
EXTREMOPHILESextremophiles n. Plural of extremophile.
EXTREMOPHILE n. an organism that lives under extreme environmental conditions.
EXULCERATIONSexulcerations n. Plural of exulceration.
EXULCERATION n. ulceration.
FLEXICURITIESFLEXICURITY n. labor practices that give companies the flexibility to fire workers as needed and offer fired workers the security of government-backed benefits and retraining opportunities.
HETEROSEXUALSheterosexuals n. Plural of heterosexual.
HETEROSEXUAL n. a heterosexual person.
INTERSEXUALLYintersexually adv. In an intersexual way.
INTERSEXUAL adv. existing between sexes.
LETTERBOXINGSLETTERBOXING n. showing a film on television in its original wide screen format.
REFLEXIVITIESreflexivities n. Plural of reflexivity.
REFLEXIVITY n. the state of being reflexive.
REFLEXOLOGISTreflexologist n. A practitioner of reflexology.
REFLEXOLOGIST n. a specialist in reflexology.
RETROFLEXIONSretroflexions n. Plural of retroflexion.
RETROFLEXION n. the state of being bent back, also RETROFLECTION.
SUPEREXALTINGsuperexalting v. Present participle of superexalt.
SUPEREXALT v. to exalt to a superior degree.
UNDEREXPLOITSunderexploits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of underexploit.
UNDEREXPLOIT v. to make insufficient use of.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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