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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing 2E, G, I, 2R and Y

CRYOSURGERIEScryosurgeries n. Plural of cryosurgery.
CRYOSURGERY n. surgery using instruments at very low temperatures to cut and destroy tissue.
FERRICYANOGENferricyanogen n. (Chemistry) A hexavalent radical, Fe2(CN)12, a compound of cyanogen and iron in the ferric state.
FERRICYANOGEN n. the trivalent radical of the ferricyanides.
HERESIOGRAPHYheresiography n. A treatise on heresy.
HERESIOGRAPHY n. a study of or treatise on heresies.
INTERFERINGLYinterferingly adv. So as to interfere.
INTERFERING adv. INTERFERE, to intervene, come in the way.
INTERLAYERINGinterlayering v. Present participle of interlayer.
interlayering n. A set, or one of a set, of alternate layers of different things.
INTERLAYERING n. the act of creating a layer between other layers.
OVERBEARINGLYoverbearingly adv. In an overbearing manner.
OVERBEARING adv. OVERBEAR, to bring down by superior force.
PEREGRINATORYperegrinatory adj. Relating to peregrination, to travelling or wandering.
PEREGRINATORY adj. of or relating to a peregrinator; wandering.
PERSEVERINGLYperseveringly adv. In a persevering manner; with perseverance.
PERSEVERING adv. continuing steadfastly.
PREROGATIVELYprerogatively adv. By prerogative.
PREROGATIVE adv. arising out of or held by prerogative.
PROGRESSIVELYprogressively adv. In a progressive manner.
progressively adv. As part of a progression.
PROGRESSIVE adv. showing progress.
PROTEROGYNIESPROTEROGYNY n. the development of female organs before male to avoid self-fertilization.
REFRIGERATORYrefrigeratory n. (Dated) That which refrigerates or cools.
refrigeratory adj. Mitigating heat; cooling.
REFRIGERATORY adj. cooling; refrigerative.
REKEYBOARDINGrekeyboarding v. Present participle of rekeyboard.
REKEYBOARD v. to enter again on a keyboard.
RETROMINGENCYretromingency n. The characteristic of urinating backwards, present in certain animals.
RETROMINGENCY n. urinating backwards.
TRIGLYCERIDEStriglycerides n. Plural of triglyceride.
TRIGLYCERIDE n. any of a group of commonly occurring fats.
YESTERMORNINGyestermorning n. (Archaic) Yesterday morning.
YESTERMORNING n. yesterday evening or morning.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 89 words
  • Scrabble in French: 22 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 3 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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