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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing 2E, G, I, L, M and U

ENCUMBERINGLYencumberingly adv. In an encumbering manner.
ENCUMBERING adv. ENCUMBER, to impede the motion of, also INCUMBER.
EVANGELARIUMSEVANGELARIUM n. a book containing passages from the gospels to be used as part of the liturgy, also EVANGELIAR, EVANGELIARION, EVANGELIARIUM, EVANGELIARY.
EVANGELIARIUMEVANGELIARIUM n. (Latin) a book of passages from the Gospels to be used at Mass or other services, also EVANGELARIUM, EVANGELIAR, EVANGELIARION, EVANGELIARY.
GEMUTLICHKEITgemutlichkeit n. Alternative form of Gemütlichkeit.
gemütlichkeit n. Misspelling of Gemütlichkeit.
Gemütlichkeit n. The state or fact of being gemütlich; middle-class niceness or cosiness, hospitality.
GLUTETHIMIDESglutethimides n. Plural of glutethimide.
GLUTETHIMIDE n. a sedative drug with pharmacological properties similar to those of barbiturates.
LEUCAEMOGENICLEUCAEMOGENIC adj. of or like a leucaemogen, a substance that encourages the development of leukaemia, also LEUKAEMOGENIC.
LEUKAEMOGENICleukaemogenic adj. Alternative form of leukemogenic.
LEUKAEMOGENIC adj. causing leukaemia, also LEUCAEMOGENIC.
LIGHTHOUSEMENlighthousemen n. Plural of lighthouseman.
LIGHTHOUSEMAN n. one who keeps a lighthouse.
LUMBERINGNESSlumberingness n. The quality of being lumbering; awkwardness, ponderousness.
LUMBERING n. walking heavily.
MADRIGALESQUEmadrigalesque adj. (Music) Reminiscent of a madrigal.
MADRIGALESQUE adj. somewhat in the style of a madrigal.
MAGNILOQUENCEmagniloquence n. The quality of being magniloquent; pompous discourse.
MAGNILOQUENCE n. grandly high-flown, lofty speech.
MULTIAGENCIESSorry, definition not available.
SEMIRELIGIOUSsemireligious adj. Somewhat religious.
SEMIRELIGIOUS adj. somewhat religious.
SUPPLEMENTINGsupplementing v. Present participle of supplement.
SUPPLEMENT v. to add or serve as a supplement to.
TELECOMMUTINGtelecommuting n. The practice of using telecommunications technology to do one’s work at a location remote from one’s…
telecommuting v. Present participle of telecommute.
TELECOMMUTING n. working at home by the use of an electronic linkup with a central office.
UNBESEEMINGLYunbeseemingly adv. (Archaic) In an unbeseeming manner.
UNBESEEMING adv. UNBESEEM, to misbecome.
UNDERWHELMINGunderwhelming adj. Failing to interest; not as exciting as promised or expected.
underwhelming v. Present participle of underwhelm.
UNDERWHELM v. to fail to impress.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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