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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing 2E, 2F, N, O and S

AFFECTIONLESSaffectionless adj. Without affection; unfeeling; emotionless.
affectionless adj. (Psychology) Incapable of empathy.
AFFECTIONLESS adj. without affection.
COUNTEROFFERScounteroffers n. Plural of counteroffer.
counter-offers n. Plural of counter-offer.
COUNTEROFFER n. a return offer made by one who has rejected an offer.
EFFECTUATIONSeffectuations n. Plural of effectuation.
EFFECTUATION n. the act of effectuating.
EFFLORESCENCEefflorescence n. (Chemistry) The formation of a powdery surface on crystals, as a hydrate is converted to anhydrous form…
efflorescence n. (Botany) The production of flowers.
efflorescence n. (Construction) An encrustation of soluble salts, commonly white, deposited on the surface of stone…
EFFORTFULNESSeffortfulness n. (Psychology) subjective experience of exertion or effort involved in performing an activity.
EFFORTFUL n. requiring effort.
FENNELFLOWERSFENNELFLOWER n. any of various species of the plant nigella with finely-divided leaves.
FORESIGNIFIEDforesignified v. Simple past tense and past participle of foresignify.
FORESIGNIFY v. (archaic) to signify in advance.
FORESIGNIFIESforesignifies v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of foresignify.
FORESIGNIFY v. (archaic) to signify in advance.
FORGETFULNESSforgetfulness n. The quality of being forgetful; proneness to let slip from the mind.
forgetfulness n. Loss of remembrance or recollection; a ceasing to remember; oblivion.
forgetfulness n. Failure to bear in mind; careless omission; inattention.
INOFFENSIVELYinoffensively adv. In an inoffensive manner.
INOFFENSIVE adv. causing no harm or injury, also UNOFFENSIVE.
NONEFFECTIVESnoneffectives n. Plural of noneffective.
NONEFFECTIVE n. a person who is not effective.
OFFENSIVENESSoffensiveness n. The quality of being offensive.
OFFENSIVENESS n. the state of being offensive.
OFFHANDEDNESSoffhandedness n. The property of being offhand.
off-handedness n. Alternative form of offhandedness.
OFFHANDEDNESS n. the state of being offhanded.
REAFFORESTINGreafforesting v. Present participle of reafforest.
REAFFOREST v. to plant with forest again.
TOFFISHNESSESTOFFISHNESS n. the state of being toffish.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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