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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 9 thirteen-letter words containing 3E, 2O, T and U

DEUTEROSTOMESdeuterostomes n. Plural of deuterostome.
DEUTEROSTOME n. any of a major division of the animal kingdom that includes the bilaterally symmetrical animals.
DEUTEROTOKIESDEUTEROTOKY n. parthenogenesis in which both males and females are produced.
ENTEROCOELOUSenterocoelous adj. Alternative form of enterocoelic.
ENTEROCOELOUS adj. of or like an enterocoele.
HETEROGENEOUSheterogeneous adj. Diverse in kind or nature; composed of diverse parts.
heterogeneous adj. (Mathematics) Incommensurable because of different kinds.
heterogeneous adj. (Physics, chemistry) Having more than one phase (solid, liquid, gas) present in a system or process.
HETEROPTEROUSheteropterous adj. (Zoology) Belonging or relating to the Heteroptera.
HETEROPTEROUS adj. of, relating to, or belonging to the Heteroptera, a suborder of hemipterous insects, including bedbugs, water bugs, etc., also HETEROPTERAN.
HOMEOTELEUTONhomeoteleuton n. The repetition of endings in words; near rhyme.
homeoteleuton n. The accidental omission, when copying a text, of a passage between repeated words or phrases, as the…
HOMEOTELEUTON n. the use or occurrence of similar endings.
SKELETOGENOUSskeletogenous adj. Forming or producing parts of the skeleton.
SKELETOGENOUS adj. producing a skeleton.
TELEUTOSPORESteleutospores n. Plural of teleutospore.
TELEUTOSPORE n. a thick-walled winter spore of the rust fungi, producing a promycelium on germination.
VOLUMENOMETERvolumenometer n. An instrument that measures the volume (three-dimensional space) of something that cannot be immersed in liquid.
VOLUMENOMETER n. an instrument for measuring the volume of a solid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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