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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 10 thirteen-letter words containing 3E, 2N and 2P

EPIPHENOMENALepiphenomenal adj. Being of secondary consequence to a causal chain of processes, but playing no causal role in the process of interest.
epiphenomenal adj. (Philosophy, psychology) Of or pertaining to a mental process that occurs only as an incidental effect…
EPIPHENOMENAL adj. of or relating to an epiphenomenon.
EPIPHENOMENONepiphenomenon n. An activity, process, or state that is the result of another; a by-product, a consequence.
epiphenomenon n. (Philosophy, psychology) A mental process or state that is an incidental by-product of physiological…
epiphenomenon n. (Pathology) A symptom that develops during the course of a disease that is not connected to the disease.
INAPPETENCIESinappetencies n. Plural of inappetency.
INAPPETENCY n. lack of desire or appetite, also INAPPETENCE.
PERPHENAZINESperphenazines n. Plural of perphenazine.
PERPHENAZINE n. a tranquillizer used esp. to control psychotic symptoms (as anxiety and agitation).
PHENYLEPHRINEphenylephrine n. (Medicine, pharmacology) An α-adrenergic receptor agonist related to adrenaline, used as a vasoconstrictor…
PHENYLEPHRINE n. an agent used in the form of its hydrochloride as a vasoconstrictor.
PLENIPOTENCESplenipotences n. Plural of plenipotence.
PLENIPOTENCE n. absolute power, also PLENIPOTENCY.
PREPONDERANCEpreponderance n. (Obsolete) Greater physical weight.
preponderance n. Superiority in amount or number; the bulk or majority; also, a large amount or number; an abundance, a profusion.
preponderance n. Superiority of influence, power, a quality, etc.; an outweighing, predominance, pre-eminence.
SCRAPEPENNIESscrape-pennies n. Plural of scrape-penny.
SCRAPEPENNY n. (archaic) a miser, a skinflint.
UNAPPREHENDEDunapprehended adj. Not apprehended.
unapprehended adj. Not understood.
UNAPPREHENDED adj. not apprehended.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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