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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 19 thirteen-letter words containing 3E, 2N and 2O

BENZOPHENONESbenzophenones n. Plural of benzophenone.
BENZOPHENONE n. a colorless crystalline ketone used esp. as a perfume fixative and in sunscreens.
CHLOROBENZENEchlorobenzene n. (Organic chemistry) Any derivative of benzene in which one or more hydrogen atoms is replaced by chlorine;…
CHLOROBENZENE n. a colorless flammable volatile toxic liquid used in organic synthesis (as of DDT) and as a solvent.
CONVENTIONEERconventioneer n. A person attending a convention.
CONVENTIONEER n. a person attending a convention, also CONVENTIONER.
ENDOSKELETONSendoskeletons n. Plural of endoskeleton.
ENDOSKELETON n. an internal skeleton or supporting framework in an animal.
EPIPHENOMENONepiphenomenon n. An activity, process, or state that is the result of another; a by-product, a consequence.
epiphenomenon n. (Philosophy, psychology) A mental process or state that is an incidental by-product of physiological…
epiphenomenon n. (Pathology) A symptom that develops during the course of a disease that is not connected to the disease.
ERRONEOUSNESSerroneousness n. The state of being in error; the quality of being erroneous.
ERRONEOUS n. wrong.
FOREMENTIONEDforementioned adj. Alternative form of aforementioned.
FOREMENTIONED adj. mentioned before in writing or speech, also AFOREMENTIONED.
FRONTOGENESESfrontogeneses n. Plural of frontogenesis.
FRONTOGENESIS n. the creation of a weather front by the meeting of air currents.
MONOTELEPHONEmonotelephone n. (Historical) An early telephonic device that transmits only one specific tone.
MONOTELEPHONE n. a telephone that transmits sounds of one pitch only.
NOISOMENESSESnoisomenesses n. Plural of noisomeness.
NOISOMENESS n. the state of being noisome.
NONCONFERENCEnonconference adj. (Sports) Not within an athletic conference.
NONCONFERENCE adj. not related to a conference.
ONEROUSNESSESonerousnesses n. Plural of onerousness.
ONEROUSNESS n. the state of being onerous.
ORGANOGENESESorganogeneses n. Plural of organogenesis.
ORGANOGENESIS n. the origin or development of living organs.
OVERCONCERNEDoverconcerned adj. Excessively concerned.
overconcerned v. Simple past tense and past participle of overconcern.
OVERCONCERN v. to concern excessively.
OVEREXTENSIONoverextension n. The state or quality of being overextended; extension beyond normal, correct, or appropriate bounds or limits.
overextension n. (Linguistics) Application of a term to too many referents, as for example when a child uses cat to refer…
over-extension n. Alternative form of overextension.
PREGNENOLONESpregnenolones n. Plural of pregnenolone.
PREGNENOLONE n. a steroid ketone formed by the oxidation of steroids and yielding progesterone on dehydrogenation.
RECONNOITEREDreconnoitered v. Simple past tense and past participle of reconnoiter.
reconnoitered adj. Of a region or situation that has been surveyed (especially in a military situation).
RECONNOITER v. (US) to make a reconnaissance of, also RECONNOITRE.
RECONNOITERERreconnoiterer n. Alternative form of reconnoitrer.
RECONNOITERER n. one who reconnoiters.
WOEBEGONENESSwoebegoneness n. The quality of being woebegone.
WOEBEGONENESS n. the state of being woebegone.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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