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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 15 thirteen-letter words containing 3E, H, 2R and V

EMPOVERISHERSEMPOVERISHER n. one who empoverishes.
HERPESVIRUSESherpesviruses n. Plural of herpesvirus.
HERPESVIRUS n. the virus responsible for herpes.
HYPERREACTIVEhyperreactive adj. Showing a much greater than normal response to a stimulus.
HYPERREACTIVE adj. excessively reactive.
MEGAHERBIVOREmegaherbivore n. (Biology) Any very large herbivore, typically one weighing more than 1000 kg.
MEGAHERBIVORE n. a large plant-eater.
OVERACHIEVERSoverachievers n. Plural of overachiever.
over-achievers n. Plural of over-achiever.
OVERACHIEVER n. one who achieves success over and above the standard or expected level esp. at an early age.
OVERBURTHENEDoverburthened v. Simple past tense and past participle of overburthen.
OVERBURTHEN v. (archaic) to overburden, also OVERBURDEN.
OVERHARVESTEDoverharvested v. Simple past tense and past participle of overharvest.
OVERHARVEST v. to harvest to excess.
OVERSTRETCHEDoverstretched v. Simple past tense and past participle of overstretch.
overstretched adj. Subject to demands that are more than can be reasonably handled.
OVERSTRETCH v. to stretch excessively.
OVERSTRETCHESoverstretches v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overstretch.
overstretches n. Plural of overstretch.
OVERSTRETCH v. to stretch excessively.
OVERWEATHEREDoverweathered v. Simple past tense and past participle of overweather.
OVERWEATHER v. (Shakespeare) to batter by violence of weather.
RECEIVERSHIPSreceiverships n. Plural of receivership.
RECEIVERSHIP n. the office or function of a receiver.
SUPERACHIEVERsuperachiever n. One who achieves a great deal.
SUPERACHIEVER n. an extreme achiever.
UNDERACHIEVERunderachiever n. One who underachieves, i.e. performs less well than expected.
UNDERACHIEVER n. one that fails to attain a predicted level of achievement or does not do as well as expected.
WHEREINSOEVERwhereinsoever adv. In whatever way or aspect.
WHEREINSOEVER adv. in whatsoever respect or place.
WHITHERSOEVERwhithersoever adv. (Archaic) To what place soever; wherever.
WHITHERSOEVER adv. to any place whatsoever.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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