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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 13 thirteen-letter words containing 3E, G, 2I and O

AERODIGESTIVEaerodigestive adj. (Biology) Pertaining to the airway and digestive tract.
AERODIGESTIVE adj. of or relating to the organs and tissues of the respiratory tract and the upper part of the digestive tract.
BIOENERGETICSbioenergetics n. (Biology, physics) The study of the energy transformations that take place in living organisms.
bioenergetics n. A form of physical therapy according to which physical movements are a means of releasing emotional stress.
BIOENERGETICS n. the biology of energy transformations and energy exchanges (as in photosynthesis) within and between living things and their environments.
BIOENGINEEREDbioengineered adj. Produced, or modified, by bioengineering.
BIOENGINEER v. to engineer life-forms.
DERELIGIONISEdereligionise v. Alternative spelling of dereligionize.
DERELIGIONISE v. to remove the religious element from, also DERELIGIONIZE.
DERELIGIONIZEdereligionize v. (Transitive) To render non-religious; to transform (something) from religious into secular.
DERELIGIONIZE v. to remove the religious element from, also DERELIGIONISE.
ENDEMIOLOGIESENDEMIOLOGY n. the study of local diseases.
EPEIROGENESISepeirogenesis n. (Geomorphology) Formation of continents, ocean basins and plateaus via movements of earth’s crust.
EPEIROGENESIS n. the geological formation of continents, oceans, etc.
EPEIROGENETICepeirogenetic adj. Relating to epeirogenesis.
EPEIROGENETIC adj. relating to epeirogenesis, the geological formation of continents, oceans, etc.
EPILEPTOGENICepileptogenic adj. Of, pertaining to or giving rise to epileptogenesis.
EPILEPTOGENIC adj. inducing or tending to induce epilepsy.
HERESIOLOGIESHERESIOLOGY n. the study of heresies.
HOMOGENEITIEShomogeneities n. Plural of homogeneity.
HOMOGENEITY n. the state of being homogeneous.
ORIENTEERINGSORIENTEERING n. a cross-country race in which each participant uses a map and compass to navigate between checkpoints along an unfamiliar course.
SOVEREIGNTIESsovereignties n. Plural of sovereignty.
SOVEREIGNTY n. the state of being sovereign, also SOVRANTY.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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