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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 16 thirteen-letter words containing 3E, F, 2N and O

CONFERENCIERSconferenciers n. Plural of conferencier.
CONFERENCIER n. (French) a lecturer.
FENNELFLOWERSFENNELFLOWER n. any of various species of the plant nigella with finely-divided leaves.
FOREIGNNESSESforeignnesses n. Plural of foreignness.
FOREIGNNESS n. the state of being foreign.
FOREMENTIONEDforementioned adj. Alternative form of aforementioned.
FOREMENTIONED adj. mentioned before in writing or speech, also AFOREMENTIONED.
FRONDESCENCESFRONDESCENCE n. the formation of leaves.
FRONTOGENESESfrontogeneses n. Plural of frontogenesis.
FRONTOGENESIS n. the creation of a weather front by the meeting of air currents.
INFLORESCENCEinflorescence n. (Botany) Flower cluster; a group or cluster of flowers arranged on a stem that is composed of a main…
inflorescence n. An instance of a plant beginning to flower.
INFLORESCENCE n. a cluster of flowers.
NONCONFERENCEnonconference adj. (Sports) Not within an athletic conference.
NONCONFERENCE adj. not related to a conference.
NONDEFERRABLEnondeferrable adj. Not deferrable.
NONDEFERRABLE adj. not deferrable.
NONEFFECTIVESnoneffectives n. Plural of noneffective.
NONEFFECTIVE n. a person who is not effective.
NONESTERIFIEDnonesterified adj. (Chemistry) Alternative spelling of non-esterified.
non-esterified adj. (Chemistry, of a fatty acid) Occurring free, rather than esterified with glycerol to form a glyceride or other lipid.
NONESTERIFIED adj. not esterified.
NONREFLECTIVEnonreflective adj. Not reflective.
NONREFLECTIVE adj. not reflective.
OFFENSIVENESSoffensiveness n. The quality of being offensive.
OFFENSIVENESS n. the state of being offensive.
PROFANENESSESprofanenesses n. Plural of profaneness.
PROFANENESS n. the state of being profane.
REINFORCEMENTreinforcement n. (Uncountable) The act, process, or state of reinforcing or being reinforced.
reinforcement n. (Countable) A thing that reinforces.
reinforcement n. (In the plural) Additional troops or materiel sent to support a military action.
UNENFORCEABLEunenforceable adj. Resistant to enforcement.
UNENFORCEABLE adj. not enforceable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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