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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing E, 2L, S, 2T and Y

BELLYBUTTONSbellybuttons n. Plural of bellybutton.
belly-buttons n. Plural of belly-button.
belly␣buttons n. Plural of belly button.
BOTTOMLESSLYbottomlessly adv. In a bottomless manner.
BOTTOMLESS adv. having no bottom.
CRYSTALLITEScrystallites n. Plural of crystallite.
CRYSTALLITE n. any of the minute rudimentary or imperfect crystals occurring in many glassy rocks.
CYTOSKELETALcytoskeletal adj. Of or pertaining to a cytoskeleton.
CYTOSKELETAL adj. of or like a cytoskeleton.
ECSTATICALLYecstatically adv. In an ecstatic manner.
ECSTATIC adv. very happy.
ELECTROLYTESelectrolytes n. Plural of electrolyte.
ELECTROLYTE n. a nonmetallic electric conductor in which current is carried by the movement of ions.
ESTHETICALLYesthetically adv. Alternative spelling of aesthetically.
ESTHETICAL adv. keenly appreciative of the beautiful, also AESTHETIC, AESTHETICAL, ESTHETIC.
EUSTATICALLYeustatically adv. By means of eustasy.
EUSTATIC adv. of changes in world shoreline level, probably caused by rise or fall of the sea-level and not by subsidence or elevation of the land.
FLATTEROUSLYFLATTEROUS adv. (archaic) flattering.
INTESTINALLYintestinally adv. Via the intestines.
INTESTINAL adv. affecting, occurring, or living in the intestine.
LEPTODACTYLSLEPTODACTYL n. a bird or other animal with long slender toes.
SENTENTIALLYsententially adv. In a sentential way.
SENTENTIAL adv. comprising sentences; as, a sentential translation.
STORYTELLERSstorytellers n. Plural of storyteller.
STORYTELLER n. a teller of stories.
STORYTELLINGstorytelling n. The act and skills of presenting stories and tales.
STORYTELLING n. the craft of telling stories.
SUBTEXTUALLYsubtextually adv. In a subtextual way.
THALLOPHYTESthallophytes n. Plural of thallophyte.
THALLOPHYTE n. any organism belonging to the Thallophyta, that includes algae, fungi, and bacteria.
THEISTICALLYtheistically adv. In a theistic manner.
THEISTICAL adv. of or pertaining to theism, also THEISTIC.
THRIFTLESSLYthriftlessly adv. In a thriftless manner.
THRIFTLESS adv. lacking usefulness or worth.
UNSETTLINGLYunsettlingly adv. In an unsettling manner.
UNSETTLING adv. disconcerting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 69 words
  • Scrabble in French: 5 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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