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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing E, 2L, M, N, S and Y

ANEURISMALLYANEURISMAL adv. of or pertaining to an aneurism, also ANEURYSMAL.
ANEURYSMALLYaneurysmally adv. In an aneurysmal way.
ANEURYSMAL adv. of or pertaining to an aneurysm, also ANEURISMAL.
CENTESIMALLYcentesimally adv. According to a division into 100 parts.
CENTESIMAL adv. counting or counted by hundreds or hundredths.
COLLENCHYMAScollenchymas n. Plural of collenchyma.
COLLENCHYMA n. the supportive tissue of plants.
HYALOMELANESHYALOMELANE n. a vitreous form of basalt, aka tachylite, also HYALOMELAN.
IMPERSONALLYimpersonally adv. In an impersonal manner.
IMPERSONAL adv. denoting the verbal action of an unspecified agent and hence used with no expressed subject (as methinks) or with a merely formal subject (as rained in it rained).
MALONYLUREASmalonylureas n. Plural of malonylurea.
MALONYLUREA n. another name for barbituric acid.
MISLEADINGLYmisleadingly adv. In a misleading manner.
MISLEADING adv. MISLEAD, to lead astray.
MONOSYLLABLEmonosyllable n. A word of one syllable.
monosyllable n. (UK, slang, obsolete) A euphemism for the word cunt.
MONOSYLLABLE n. a word of one syllable.
MOTIONLESSLYmotionlessly adv. In a motionless manner; without moving.
MOTIONLESS adv. without motion.
NUMBERLESSLYnumberlessly adv. In a numberless way; uncountably, infinitely.
NUMBERLESS adv. without number, countless.
SEMANTICALLYsemantically adv. In the manner of or referring to semantics.
SEMANTICAL adv. of or relating to meaning, also SEMANTIC.
SEMIANNUALLYsemiannually adv. In a semiannual manner, twice yearly.
semi-annually adv. Occurring twice yearly; biannually.
SEMIANNUAL adv. half-yearly.
SLUMBERINGLYslumberingly adv. While slumbering; in a state of sleep.
SLUMBERING adv. sleeping.
SPLENOMEGALYsplenomegaly n. (Pathology) An enlargement of the spleen.
SPLENOMEGALY n. abnormal enlargement of the spleen.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 57 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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