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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing E, I, 2O, P, T and X

AUXOTROPHIESauxotrophies n. Plural of auxotrophy.
AUXOTROPHY n. the state of being auxotrophic, requiring a specific growth substance beyond the minimum required for normal metabolism.
COMPLEXATIONcomplexation n. (Chemistry) The formation of a complex.
COMPLEXATION n. a complex.
EPOXIDATIONSepoxidations n. Plural of epoxidation.
EPOXIDATION n. a conversion of a usually unsaturated compound into an epoxide.
EXPLOITATIONexploitation n. The act of utilizing something; industry.
exploitation n. The improper use of something for selfish purposes.
exploitation n. The act or result of forcibly depriving someone of something to which they have a natural right.
EXPLORATIONSexplorations n. Plural of exploration.
EXPLORATION n. the act or an instance of exploring.
EXPORTATIONSexportations n. Plural of exportation.
EXPORTATION n. the act of exporting.
EXPOSITIONALexpositional adj. Explained in clear terms, as in writing.
expositional adj. Declared information openly.
EXPOSITIONAL adj. relating to exposition.
EXPOSITORILYexpositorily adv. In an expository fashion.
EXPOSITORY adv. pertaining to, or containing, exposition.
EXPROBRATIONexprobration n. (Obsolete) Reproachful accusation; upbraiding.
EXPROBRATION n. the act of exprobrating, upbraiding.
EXPROPRIATORexpropriator n. Agent noun of expropriate; one who expropriates.
EXPROPRIATOR n. one who expropriates.
ORTHOPRAXIESORTHOPRAXY n. the treatment of deformities in the human body by mechanical appliances.
OVEREXPLOITSoverexploits v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overexploit.
OVEREXPLOIT v. to exploit to excess.
PEROXIDATIONperoxidation n. (Chemistry) Any oxidation reaction, especially of an oxide, that produces a peroxide.
peroxidation n. (Organic chemistry) The reaction of a double bond with a peroxide.
PEROXIDATION n. the creation of a peroxide.
PHOTOEXCITEDphotoexcited v. Simple past tense and past participle of photoexcite.
photoexcited adj. (Chemistry, physics) (of an atom, molecule or ion) excited due to photoexcitation.
PHOTOEXCITED adj. relating to photoexcitation.
PHOTOOXIDISEPHOTOOXIDISE v. to undergo photooxidation, also PHOTOOXIDIZE.
PHOTOOXIDIZEphotooxidize v. To oxidize photochemically.
PHOTOOXIDIZE v. to undergo photooxidation, also PHOTOOXIDISE.
THIXOTROPIESTHIXOTROPY n. the property of certain gels of becoming fluid when agitated and of reverting back to a gel when left to stand.
TOXOPHILITEStoxophilites n. Plural of toxophilite.
TOXOPHILITE n. one fond of or expert at archery.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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