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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing E, I, 3O and 2P

APOGEOTROPICapogeotropic adj. Opposite to geotropic; thus…
APOGEOTROPIC adj. bending up or away from the ground.
COLPOSCOPIEScolposcopies n. Plural of colposcopy.
COLPOSCOPY n. an examination using a colposcope, an instrument for viewing the neck of the uterus.
COPROPRIETORcoproprietor n. A joint proprietor; one who owns a business in conjunction with others.
COPROPRIETOR n. a joint proprietor.
METOPOSCOPICmetoposcopic adj. Of or pertaining to metoposcopy.
METOPOSCOPIC adj. relating to metoposcopy, the art of judging a person's character and fortune from his face, also METOPOSCOPICAL.
OPEIDOSCOPESopeidoscopes n. Plural of opeidoscope.
OPEIDOSCOPE n. an instrument for illustrating sound by means of light.
PHOTOCOPIERSphotocopiers n. Plural of photocopier.
PHOTOCOPIER n. a machine for copying.
PHOTOPERIODSphotoperiods n. Plural of photoperiod.
PHOTOPERIOD n. the period during every 24 hours when an organism is exposed to daylight.
PHOTOPHONIESPHOTOPHONY n. the art or practice of using the photophone.
PHOTOTROPIESPHOTOTROPY n. change of colour due to wavelength of incident light.
PROPORTIONEDproportioned adj. Having a proportion.
proportioned v. Simple past tense and past participle of proportion.
PROPORTION v. to adjust (a part or thing) in size relative to other parts or things.
PROSOPOPEIALPROSOPOPEIAL adj. relating to prosopopeia, personification.
PROSOPOPEIASPROSOPOPEIA n. a figure of speech in which an imaginary or absent person is represented as speaking or acting, also PROSOPOPOEIA.
PROSOPOPOEIAprosopopoeia n. (Rhetoric) An act of personifying a person or object when communicating to an audience; a figure of…
prosopopoeia n. Personification of an abstraction.
prosopopœia n. Obsolete typography of prosopopoeia.
SIPHONOPHOREsiphonophore n. (Zoology) Any of various transparent marine hydrozoans, of the order Siphonophorae, that float or swim…
SIPHONOPHORE n. a marine creature, colonial in habit.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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