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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 9 twelve-letter words containing E, I, N, 3T and V

CONSTITUTIVEconstitutive adj. Having the power or authority to constitute, establish or enact something.
constitutive adj. Having the power or authority to appoint someone to office.
constitutive adj. Extremely important, essential.
NOVELETTISTSnovelettists n. Plural of novelettist.
NOVELETTIST n. one who writes novelettes.
QUANTITATIVEquantitative adj. Of a measurement based on some quantity or number rather than on some quality.
quantitative adj. (Chemistry) Of a form of analysis that determines the amount of some element or compound in a sample.
QUANTITATIVE adj. estimable according to quantity, also QUANTITIVE.
STERNUTATIVEsternutative adj. That provokes sneezing.
sternutative n. Anything that triggers sneezing.
STERNUTATIVE n. a substance which causes sneezing, also STERNUTATOR, STERNUTATORY.
SUSTENTATIVEsustentative adj. Adapted to sustain, strengthen, or corroborate.
sustentative adj. (Biology) Relating to those functions of the body which affect its material composition and thus determine its mass.
SUSTENTATIVE adj. sustaining, enduring.
TRANSVESTISTtransvestist n. (Dated) A transvestite.
TRANSVESTIST n. one who dresses in the clothes of the opposite sex, also TRANSVESTITE.
TRANSVESTITEtransvestite n. A person who sometimes wears clothes traditionally worn by and associated with the opposite sex; typically…
transvestite n. (Clinical psychology, psychiatry, pathology) A person, typically a heterosexual male, who compulsively…
TRANSVESTITE n. one who dresses in the clothes of the opposite sex, also TRANSVESTIST.
UNATTRACTIVEunattractive adj. Not handsome or beautiful or appealing.
unattractive adj. Lacking the power to attract interest.
unattractive n. An aesthetically unattractive person.
VENTRIPOTENTventripotent adj. Having a big belly.
ventripotent adj. Gluttonous.
VENTRIPOTENT adj. taking a greedy delight in eating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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