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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing E, I, L, N, O, P and Z

DEPOLARIZINGdepolarizing v. Present participle of depolarize.
DEPOLARIZE v. to remove the polarity from, also DEPOLARISE.
EPILOGUIZINGepiloguizing v. Present participle of epiloguize.
EPILOGUIZE v. to speak or write an epilogue, also EPILOGUISE.
EPISTOLIZINGepistolizing v. Present participle of epistolize.
EPISTOLIZE v. to write a letter, also EPISTOLISE.
GOSPELLIZINGgospellizing v. Present participle of gospellize.
GOSPELLIZE v. to evangelize; to square with gospel, also GOSPELISE, GOSPELIZE, GOSPELLISE.
HISPANIOLIZEHispaniolize v. Synonym of Spaniolize.
HISPANIOLIZE v. to make Spanish, also HISPANIOLISE.
HYPNOTIZABLEhypnotizable adj. Able to be hypnotized.
hypnotizable n. One who is susceptible to hypnosis.
HYPNOTIZABLE adj. capable of being hypnotized, also HYPNOTISABLE.
MONOPOLIZERSmonopolizers n. Plural of monopolizer.
MONOPOLIZER n. one who monopolizes, also MONOPOLISER.
PENALIZATIONpenalization n. The act of punishing; punishment.
PENALIZATION n. the act of penalizing, also PENALISATION.
PENELOPIZINGpenelopizing v. Present participle of penelopize.
PENELOPIZE v. to undo what you have earlier done, in so delaying a decision due upon completion, also PENELOPISE.
PERSONALIZEDpersonalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of personalize.
personalized adj. Adapted to the needs of an individual.
personalized adj. Embodied.
PERSONALIZESpersonalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of personalize.
PERSONALIZE v. to make personal, also PERSONALISE.
PHRENOLOGIZEphrenologize v. (Transitive) To measure and analyze according to phrenology.
PHRENOLOGIZE v. to examine phrenologically, also PHRENOLOGISE.
POLEMICIZINGpolemicizing v. Present participle of polemicize.
POLEMICIZE v. to argue or write polemically, carry on a controversy, also POLEMICISE, POLEMISE, POLEMIZE.
POLYMERIZINGpolymerizing v. Present participle of polymerize.
polymerizing adj. That polymerizes.
POLYMERIZE v. to make into a polymer, also POLYMERISE.
PORCELAINIZEporcelainize v. (Transitive) To bake like porcelain.
REPOLARIZINGrepolarizing v. Present participle of repolarize.
REPOLARIZE v. to polarize again, also REPOLARISE.
SPLENIZATIONsplenization n. (Medicine) A morbid state of the lung produced by inflammation, in which its tissue resembles that of the spleen.
SPLENIZATION n. conversion (e.g. of the lung) into a spongy, spleen-like substance, also SPLENISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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