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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing E, I, K, 2N, O and S

ANISEIKONIASaniseikonias n. Plural of aniseikonia.
ANISEIKONIA n. a visual condition where image, shape, and size differ in each eye.
COCKERNONIEScockernonies n. Plural of cockernony.
COCKERNONY n. (Scots) the gathering of hair in a fillet.
COUNTERSINKScountersinks n. Plural of countersink.
countersinks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of countersink.
COUNTERSINK v. to make a countersink on (a hole).
ENTEROKINASEenterokinase n. (Biochemistry) An enzyme, secreted by the upper intestinal mucosa, that catalyzes the activation of…
ENTEROKINASE n. an enzyme esp. of the duodenal mucosa that activates trypsinogen by converting it to trypsin.
KAINOGENESESKAINOGENESIS n. the state where adaptations to the needs of the young stages develop early, and disappear in the adult stage, also CAENOGENESIS, CENOGENESIS, KENOGENESIS.
KAINOGENESISKAINOGENESIS n. the state where adaptations to the needs of the young stages develop early, and disappear in the adult stage, also CAENOGENESIS, CENOGENESIS, KENOGENESIS.
KNOBBINESSESKNOBBINESS n. the state of being knobby.
KNOTTINESSESknottinesses n. Plural of knottiness.
KNOTTINESS n. the state of being knotty.
MISRECKONINGmisreckoning v. Present participle of misreckon.
misreckoning n. A false reckoning; a miscalculation.
MISRECKONING n. a wrong reckoning.
MONEYMAKINGSmoney-makings n. Plural of money-making.
MONEYMAKING n. the business of making money.
MONKEYSHINESmonkeyshines n. Plural of monkeyshine.
monkey-shines n. Plural of monkey-shine.
MONKEYSHINE n. a monkeyish trick.
MOONSTRICKENmoonstricken adj. Moonstruck.
MOONSTRICKEN adj. simpleminded, as if affected by the moon, also MOONSTRUCK.
NICKELODEONSnickelodeons n. Plural of nickelodeon.
Nickelodeons n. Plural of Nickelodeon.
NICKELODEON n. an early form of cinema.
NOISEMAKINGSnoisemakings n. Plural of noisemaking.
NOISEMAKING n. the act of making a noise.
OVERKINDNESSoverkindness n. Excessive kindness.
OVERKINDNESS n. the state of being overkind.
OVERSTINKINGOVERSTINK v. (Shakespeare) to stink more than.
SCHNORKELINGschnorkeling v. Present participle of schnorkel.
SCHNORKEL v. (German) to swim underwater using a breathing-tube, also SNORKEL.
SHOCKINGNESSshockingness n. The state or quality of being shocking.
SHOCKINGNESS n. the state of being shocking.
SNORKELLINGSSNORKELLING n. the act of using a snorkel.
UNSTOCKINGEDunstockinged adj. Not wearing stockings.
UNSTOCKINGED adj. not stockinged.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 157 words
  • Scrabble in French: 24 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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