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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing E, 2I, L, P, S and V

APPOSITIVELYappositively adv. In an appositive manner.
APPOSITIVE adv. relating to apposition.
APPRAISIVELYAPPRAISIVE adv. having an appraising quality.
DISPERSIVELYdispersively adv. In a dispersive way.
dispersively adv. With regard to dispersion.
DISPERSIVE adv. tending to disperse.
DISPRIVILEGEdisprivilege v. To deprive of a privilege or privileges.
disprivilege n. The state of lacking privileges, or being underprivileged.
DISPRIVILEGE v. to deprive of a privilege.
DISRUPTIVELYdisruptively adv. In a disruptive manner.
DISRUPTIVE adv. causing disruption.
EXPOSITIVELYEXPOSITIVE adv. serving to explain.
IMPERVIOUSLYimperviously adv. In an impervious manner; impenetrably; impermeably.
IMPERVIOUS adv. not allowing entrance or passage, also IMPERVIABLE.
IMPRESSIVELYimpressively adv. In an impressive manner; forcibly.
IMPRESSIVE adv. making or tending to make a marked impression.
OVERSIMPLIFYoversimplify v. To explain or present something in a way that excludes important information for the sake of brevity…
OVERSIMPLIFY v. to simplify to such an extent as to bring about distortion, misunderstanding, or error.
OVERSLIPPINGoverslipping v. Present participle of overslip.
OVERSLIP v. to leave out.
OVERSPILLINGoverspilling v. Present participle of overspill.
OVERSPILL v. to spill over.
PELVIMETRIESPELVIMETRY n. measurement of the pelvis.
PERMISSIVELYpermissively adv. In a permissive manner.
PERMISSIVE adv. permitting; granting leave or liberty.
POLIOVIRUSESpolioviruses n. Plural of poliovirus.
POLIOVIRUS n. a virus causing polio.
PROCLIVITIESproclivities n. Plural of proclivity.
PROCLIVITY n. an inclination or predisposition toward something.
SILVERPOINTSsilverpoints n. Plural of silverpoint.
SILVERPOINT n. the process or product of drawing with a silver-tipped pencil.
SLIPCOVERINGSLIPCOVER v. to cover with a slipcover.
VELOCIPEDISTvelocipedist n. One who rides a velocipede.
VELOCIPEDIST n. one who rides a velocipede, an early form of bicycle, also VELOCIPEDEAN, VELOCIPEDER, VELOCIPEDIAN.
VESPERTILIANvespertilian adj. Of, pertaining to, or characteristic of bats.
VESPERTILIAN adj. like a bat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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