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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing E, 3I, L and 2R

EARLIERISINGEARLIERISE v. to do at a date earlier than that arranged, also EARLIERIZE.
EARLIERIZINGEARLIERIZE v. to do at a date earlier than that arranged, also EARLIERISE.
FAMILIARISERfamiliariser n. Alternative form of familiarizer.
FAMILIARISER n. one who familiarises, also FAMILIARIZER.
FAMILIARIZERfamiliarizer n. One who, or that which, familiarizes.
familiarizer n. (Linguistics) A term that conveys familiarity.
FAMILIARIZER n. one who familiarizes, also FAMILIARISER.
FRITILLARIESfritillaries n. Plural of fritillary.
FRITILLARY n. several kinds of spotted butterfly and bulbous plant.
INCORRIGIBLEincorrigible adj. Defective and impossible to materially correct or set aright.
incorrigible adj. Incurably depraved; not reformable.
incorrigible adj. Impervious to correction by punishment or pain.
INERRABILITYinerrability n. Freedom or exemption from error; infallibility.
INERRABILITY n. the state of being inerrable.
INTERRAILINGinterrailing v. Present participle of interrail.
INTERRAIL v. to travel between cities by train.
IRREMISSIBLEirremissible adj. Not remissible.
IRREMISSIBLE adj. unpardonable.
IRREMISSIBLYirremissibly adv. In an irremissible manner; unpardonably.
IRREMISSIBLE adv. unpardonable.
IRRESISTIBLEirresistible adj. Impossible to resist.
irresistible adj. Compellingly attractive.
IRRESISTIBLE adj. impossible to resist.
IRRESISTIBLYirresistibly adv. In an irresistible manner.
IRRESISTIBLE adv. impossible to resist.
REMILITARISEremilitarise v. Alternative form of remilitarize.
REMILITARISE v. to militarise again, also REMILITARIZE.
REMILITARIZEremilitarize v. (Transitive) To militarize (a demilitarized area) again.
REMILITARIZE v. to militarize again, also REMILITARISE.
SCURRILITIESscurrilities n. Plural of scurrility.
SCURRILITY n. the state of being scurrilous.
TRILLIONAIREtrillionaire n. Somebody whose wealth is greater than one trillion (1012) dollars, or other currency.
TRILLIONAIRE n. one whose wealth exceeds a trillion pounds.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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