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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing E, H, L, 2N, O and S

AMINOPHENOLSaminophenols n. Plural of aminophenol.
AMINOPHENOL n. any of three isomeric forms that are white soluble crystalline solids, used as a dye and as a photograph developer.
BLENNORRHEASblennorrheas n. Plural of blennorrhea.
BLENNORRHEA n. an excessive discharge of watery mucus, esp. from the urethra or the vagina, also BLENNORRHOEA.
CLOWNISHNESSclownishness n. The state of being clownish.
CLOWNISHNESS n. the state of being clownish.
HELDENTENORSheldentenors n. Plural of heldentenor.
HELDENTENOR n. (German) a tenor with striking dramatic quality suitable for heroic roles.
HORNLESSNESShornlessness n. Absence of horns.
HORNLESSNESS n. the state of being hornless.
LONGSHOREMANlongshoreman n. (US) A man employed to load and unload ships.
longshoreman n. One who makes a living along the shore by oyster-fishing, etc.
LONGSHOREMAN n. a stevedore; a person who makes a living along the shore by fishing, etc., also ALONGSHOREMAN.
LONGSHOREMENlongshoremen n. Plural of longshoreman.
LONGSHOREMAN n. a stevedore; a person who makes a living along the shore by fishing, etc., also ALONGSHOREMAN.
NONATHLETICSSorry, definition not available.
NONCHALANCESnonchalances n. Plural of nonchalance.
NONCHALANCE n. the state of being nonchalant.
NONCHEMICALSnonchemicals n. Plural of nonchemical.
NONCHEMICAL n. something that is not a chemical.
NONCRUSHABLEnoncrushable adj. Not crushable.
NONCRUSHABLE adj. not crushable.
NONSCHEDULEDnonscheduled adj. Not scheduled; not according to schedule.
NONSCHEDULED adj. not scheduled.
NONSPHERICALnonspherical adj. Not spherical.
NONSPHERICAL adj. not spherical.
PRELUNCHEONSPRELUNCHEON n. a light meal before lunch.
PUNCHINELLOSpunchinellos n. Plural of punchinello.
Punchinellos n. Plural of Punchinello.
PUNCHINELLO n. (Italian) a fat short humpbacked clown.
SCHNORKELINGschnorkeling v. Present participle of schnorkel.
SCHNORKEL v. (German) to swim underwater using a breathing-tube, also SNORKEL.
UNHANDSOMELYunhandsomely adv. In an unhandsome manner.
UNHANDSOME adv. not handsome.
UNHOLINESSESunholinesses n. Plural of unholiness.
UNHOLINESS n. the state of being unholy.
UNHOLSTERINGunholstering v. Present participle of unholster.
UNHOLSTER v. to remove from a holster.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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