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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing E, H, 2L, 2O and T

ATHEOLOGICALatheological adj. Opposed to theology.
atheological adj. Atheistic.
ATHEOLOGICAL adj. related to atheology.
CHOLESTEROLScholesterols n. Plural of cholesterol.
CHOLESTEROL n. a sterol occurring in all body cells and involved in the transport of fats through the bloodstream.
ETHNOLOGICALethnological adj. Of or pertaining to ethnology.
ETHNOLOGICAL adj. relating to ethnology, cultural anthropology, also ETHNOLOGIC.
FLOODLIGHTEDfloodlighted v. Simple past tense and past participle of floodlight.
floodlighted adj. Lit by floodlights; floodlit.
FLOODLIGHT v. to illuminate by floodlighting.
HELIOLATROUSheliolatrous adj. Worshipping the Sun.
HELIOLATROUS adj. relating to heliolatry.
HOJATOLESLAMhojatoleslam n. (Islam) A middle-ranking Islamic cleric.
HOJATOLESLAM n. an Iranian cleric below the rank of ayatollah, also HOJATOLISLAM.
HOMOTHALLIESHOMOTHALLY n. the state of having only one type of mycelium, also HOMOTHALLISM.
METALLOPHONEmetallophone n. Any musical instrument consisting of tuned metal bars which are struck to make sound.
METALLOPHONE n. an instrument like a xylophone with metal bars, the hammers being operated by hand or by means of a keyboard.
OTHERWORLDLYotherworldly adj. Of, concerned with, or preoccupied with a different world than that of the tangible here and now, such…
otherworldly adj. Not belonging to the real world; unnatural; odd and unfamiliar.
other-worldly adj. Alternative spelling of otherworldly.
PHOTOLYSABLEphotolysable adj. Capable of photolysis.
PHOTOLYSABLE adj. capable of being photolysed, also PHOTOLYZABLE.
PHOTOLYZABLEphotolyzable adj. Alternative form of photolysable.
PHOTOLYZABLE adj. capable of being photolyzed, also PHOTOLYSABLE.
THROTTLEHOLDthrottlehold n. A stranglehold.
THROTTLEHOLD n. a vicious, strangling, or stultifying control.
TYPHLOLOGIESTYPHLOLOGY n. the study of blindness and the blind.
YELLOWTHROATyellowthroat n. Any of a mostly yellow-colored group of New World warblers in the genus Geothlypis.
YELLOWTHROAT n. any of several largely olive American warblers.
ZOOXANTHELLAzooxanthella n. (Archaic) Any of the yellow pigmentary particles, or minute corpuscles of yellow coloring matter, found…
zooxanthella n. Any of various typically yellow-brown dinoflagellates (originally grouped as genus Zooxanthella) now…
ZOOXANTHELLA n. a symbiotic dinoflagellate of the genus Symbiodinium that lives in the tissues of a number of marine invertebrates and protists.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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