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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing E, H, I, 2L, O and U

AILOUROPHILEailourophile n. Alternative spelling of ailurophile.
AILOUROPHILE n. a cat-lover, also AILUROPHILE.
AILUROPHILESailurophiles n. Plural of ailurophile.
AILUROPHILE n. a cat-lover, also AILOUROPHILE.
EUPHONICALLYeuphonically adv. In a euphonic manner.
EUPHONICAL adv. agreeable in sound, also EUPHONIC, EUPHONIOUS.
EUPHORICALLYeuphorically adv. In a euphoric manner.
EUPHORIC adv. overjoyed.
HALLUCINOGENhallucinogen n. Any substance tending to induce hallucination.
HALLUCINOGEN n. a substance that induces hallucinations, also HALLUCINOGENIC.
HALLUCINOSEShallucinoses n. Plural of hallucinosis.
HALLUCINOSIS n. a pathological mental state characterized by hallucinations.
HELIOLATROUSheliolatrous adj. Worshipping the Sun.
HELIOLATROUS adj. relating to heliolatry.
HELIOPHILOUSheliophilous adj. (Botany) That needs, or tolerates, a high level of direct sunlight.
HELIOPHILOUS adj. attracted by sunlight.
HELLACIOUSLYhellaciously adv. In a hellacious manner.
HELLACIOUS adv. exceptionally powerful or violent.
MELLIPHAGOUSmelliphagous adj. Alternative spelling of meliphagous.
MELLIPHAGOUS adj. feeding upon honey, also MELIPHAGOUS.
NUCLEOPHILESnucleophiles n. Plural of nucleophile.
NUCLEOPHILE n. a substance that donates electrons.
NUCLEOPHILICnucleophilic adj. (Chemistry) of, or relating to a nucleophile.
NUCLEOPHILIC adj. having an affinity for atomic nuclei.
POLYSULPHIDEpolysulphide n. (Chemistry) Alternative spelling of polysulfide.
POLYSULPHIDE n. a sulfide containing two or more atoms of sulfur in the molecule, also POLYSULFIDE.
PUNCHINELLOSpunchinellos n. Plural of punchinello.
Punchinellos n. Plural of Punchinello.
PUNCHINELLO n. (Italian) a fat short humpbacked clown.
UNHEROICALLYunheroically adv. In an unheroic way.
UNHEROICAL adv. not heroic, also UNHEROIC.
UNLIKELIHOODunlikelihood n. Absence of likelihood; the state of being unlikely or improbable; improbability.
UNLIKELIHOOD n. the state of being unlikely.
UNPOLISHABLEunpolishable adj. Not polishable.
UNPOLISHABLE adj. not polishable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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