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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing E, 2H, 2I, M and S

HAEMOPHILIAShaemophilias n. Plural of haemophilia.
HAEMOPHILIA n. a hereditary disease causing excessive bleeding when any blood vessel is even slightly injured.
HEMIHEDRISMShemihedrisms n. Plural of hemihedrism.
HEMIHEDRISM n. a property of crystals of being hemihedral, or having half the number of symmetrically arranged planes occurring on a holohedron.
HEMIMORPHIESHEMIMORPHY n. the state of having a polar axis, dissimilar at the two ends.
HEMIMORPHISMhemimorphism n. The condition of being hemimorphic.
HEMIMORPHISM n. the state of being hemimorphic.
HEMISPHEROIDhemispheroid n. A half of a spheroid.
HEMISPHEROID n. the half of a spheroid.
HEMOPHILIACShemophiliacs n. Plural of hemophiliac.
HEMOPHILIAC n. one affected with hemophilia.
HEMSTITCHINGhemstitching v. Present participle of hemstitch.
HEMSTITCH v. to stitch using the hem of a garment.
HIERARCHISMShierarchisms n. Plural of hierarchism.
HIERARCHISM n. a hierarchical system.
HISTOCHEMISThistochemist n. One who studies histochemistry.
HISTOCHEMIST n. one who studies the chemistry of living tissue.
MESSIAHSHIPSmessiahships n. Plural of messiahship.
MESSIAHSHIP n. the state of being a messiah.
PHILOMATHIESPHILOMATHY n. the love of learning or letters.
PHYSITHEISMSPHYSITHEISM n. the ascription of physical form and attributes to deity; the deification of the powers of nature.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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