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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing E, G, L, M and 3S

ASSEMBLAGISTassemblagist n. (Art) One who constructs assemblages (a form of 3D collage).
ASSEMBLAGIST n. an artist who specializes in assemblages.
DISSEMBLINGSdissemblings n. Plural of dissembling.
DISSEMBLING n. to hide true feelings, motives, or the facts.
GLADSOMENESSgladsomeness n. (Archaic) gladness.
GLADSOMENESS n. (archaic) the state of being gladsome.
GLOOMINESSESgloominesses n. Plural of gloominess.
GLOOMINESS n. the state of being gloomy.
GLOSSEMATICSglossematics n. A structuralist linguistic theory that defines the glosseme as the most basic unit of language.
GLOSSEMATICS n. the study of glossemes.
GORMLESSNESSgormlessness n. The quality or state of being gormless.
LEMONGRASSESlemongrasses n. Plural of lemongrass.
LEMONGRASS n. a fragrant perennial grass.
LONGSOMENESSlongsomeness n. The quality of being longsome; lengthiness.
LONGSOMENESS n. the state of being longsome, extended in length, tiresome.
MILLIGAUSSESmilligausses n. Plural of milligauss.
MISSIOLOGIESmissiologies n. Plural of missiology.
MISSIOLOGY n. the study of the church's mission esp. with respect to missionary activity.
MISSPELLINGSmisspellings n. Plural of misspelling.
mis-spellings n. Plural of mis-spelling.
MISSPELLING n. a wrong spelling.
MUSEOLOGISTSmuseologists n. Plural of museologist.
MUSEOLOGIST n. a student of museology, the study of museums.
SEISMOLOGIESSEISMOLOGY n. the study of earthquakes.
SEISMOLOGISTseismologist n. A person who is skilled at, professes, or practices seismology.
SEISMOLOGIST n. one who studies earthquakes.
SEMIOLOGISTSsemiologists n. Plural of semiologist.
SEMIOLOGIST n. a student of semiology, the study of signs and signals.
SEXAGESIMALSsexagesimals n. Plural of sexagesimal.
SEXAGESIMAL n. a sexagesimal fraction.
TELEMESSAGEStelemessages n. Plural of telemessage.
TELEMESSAGE n. any of various messages sent by telephone or a telecommunication system, spec. a message sent by telephone or telex.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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