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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing E, G, 2I, L and 2P

APPETISINGLYappetisingly adv. Alternative spelling of appetizingly.
APPETISING adv. APPETISE, to whet the appetite, also APPETIZE.
APPETIZINGLYappetizingly adv. In an appetizing manner.
APPETIZING adv. APPETIZE, to whet the appetite, also APPETISE.
APPLERINGIESAPPLERINGIE n. (Scots) an aromatic shrub, southernwood.
DEOPPILATINGdeoppilating v. Present participle of deoppilate.
DEOPPILATE v. to free from obstruction.
EPIGRAPHICALepigraphical adj. Epigraphic.
EPIGRAPHICAL adj. relating to an epigraph, also EPIGRAPHIC.
GALLINIPPERSgallinippers n. Plural of gallinipper.
GALLINIPPER n. a large mosquito capable of inflicting painful bite.
INTERLAPPINGinterlapping v. Present participle of interlap.
INTERLAP v. to lap over one another.
KLIPSPRINGERklipspringer n. A small antelope native to eastern and southern Africa having a dense, brown, speckled coat.
KLIPSPRINGER n. (South African) a small, hoofed African antelope.
LIPOGRAPHIESlipographies n. Plural of lipography.
LIPOGRAPHY n. the accidental omission of a letter or syllable.
LIVETRAPPINGlivetrapping v. Present participle of livetrap.
live-trapping v. Present participle of live-trap.
LIVETRAP v. to capture in a type of animal trap.
MISLIPPENINGmislippening v. Present participle of mislippen.
MISLIPPEN v. (Scots) to mistrust.
OLIGOPEPTIDEoligopeptide n. (Biochemistry) A peptide containing a relatively small number of amino acids.
OLIGOPEPTIDE n. a peptide comprising less than ten amino acids.
OVERSLIPPINGoverslipping v. Present participle of overslip.
OVERSLIP v. to leave out.
PENELOPISINGpenelopising v. Present participle of penelopise.
PENELOPISE v. to undo what you have earlier done, in so delaying a decision due upon completion, also PENELOPIZE.
PENELOPIZINGpenelopizing v. Present participle of penelopize.
PENELOPIZE v. to undo what you have earlier done, in so delaying a decision due upon completion, also PENELOPISE.
PERSPIRINGLYperspiringly adv. While perspiring; with perspiration or sweat.
PERSPIRING adv. PERSPIRE, to exude sweat through the pores of the skin.
PULPITEERINGPULPITEER v. to preach from a pulpit.
SIDESLIPPINGsideslipping v. Present participle of sideslip.
side-slipping v. Present participle of side-slip.
SIDESLIP v. to slip to one side.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 40 words
  • Scrabble in French: 6 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 28 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 12 words

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