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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing E, G, 2H, I, S and T

DIPHTHONGISEdiphthongise v. Alternative spelling of diphthongize.
DIPHTHONGISE v. to make into a diphthong, also DIPHTHONGIZE.
DISSHEATHINGdissheathing v. Present participle of dissheathe.
DISSHEATHE v. to become unsheathed.
EARTHSHAKINGearthshaking adj. Of global consequence or importance.
earthshaking adj. Very loud.
EARTHSHAKING adj. of great importance or consequence.
HEADHUNTINGSheadhuntings n. Plural of headhunting.
HEADHUNTING n. the practice of collecting human heads.
HEATHENISINGheathenising v. Present participle of heathenise.
HEATHENISE v. to make heathen, also HEATHENIZE.
HEAVYWEIGHTSheavyweights n. Plural of heavyweight.
HEAVYWEIGHT n. a boxer fighting at a heavy weight.
HEMSTITCHINGhemstitching v. Present participle of hemstitch.
HEMSTITCH v. to stitch using the hem of a garment.
HIGHLIGHTERShighlighters n. Plural of highlighter.
HIGHLIGHTER n. a broad-tipped felt pen for highlighting parts of a text, etc.; a cosmetic used to emphasize features on the face.
LIGHTWEIGHTSlightweights n. Plural of lightweight.
light-weights n. Plural of light-weight.
LIGHTWEIGHT n. a person of little account.
NIGHTCLOTHESnightclothes n. Clothing worn while sleeping in bed, such as pyjamas or a nightgown, and, when worn over nightclothes, a robe.
NIGHTCLOTHES n. clothes worn for bed.
PHYTOPHAGIESPHYTOPHAGY n. of insects, feeding on plants.
SEARCHLIGHTSsearchlights n. Plural of searchlight.
search-lights n. Plural of search-light.
SEARCHLIGHT n. an apparatus for projecting a powerful beam of light.
SHORTSIGHTEDshortsighted adj. Alternative spelling of short-sighted.
short-sighted adj. Near-sighted; myopic; unable to focus on distant objects.
short-sighted adj. (Figuratively) Unable to see long-term objectives; lacking foresight.
WHEELWRIGHTSwheelwrights n. Plural of wheelwright.
WHEELWRIGHT n. a maker and repairer of wheels and wheeled vehicles.
WHITEWASHINGwhitewashing n. The application of whitewash.
whitewashing n. (Figuratively) The effacement of errors or bad actions.
whitewashing n. (Derogatory) The process of whitewashing, of making over (a person or character, a group, an event…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 131 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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