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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing E, 2G, 2O, R and S

ASTROGEOLOGYastrogeology n. (Astronomy, geology) The science dealing with the structure and composition of planets and other bodies…
ASTROGEOLOGY n. the study of extraterrestrial geology.
BOONDOGGLERSboondogglers n. Plural of boondoggler.
BOONDOGGLER n. one who engages in boondoggling.
CONGREGATORScongregators n. Plural of congregator.
CONGREGATOR n. one who congregates.
FOOTDRAGGERSfootdraggers n. Plural of footdragger.
foot-draggers n. Plural of foot-dragger.
FOOTDRAGGER n. one who engages in footdragging.
FOOTSLOGGERSfootsloggers n. Plural of footslogger.
FOOTSLOGGER n. a soldier serving on foot.
GASTROLOGERSgastrologers n. Plural of gastrologer.
GASTROLOGER n. a connoisseur of good eating and drinking, also GASTRONOME, GASTRONOMER.
GASTROLOGIESGASTROLOGY n. good eating; cookery.
GERATOLOGIESGERATOLOGY n. the branch of medicine concerned with the elderly and the phenomena associated with ageing, also GERONTOLOGY.
GERATOLOGISTgeratologist n. One who studies geratology.
GERATOLOGIST n. a student of geratology.
GOOSEGRASSESgoosegrasses n. Plural of goosegrass.
GOOSEGRASS n. a Eurasian plant with a bristly stem and fruits that cling to clothes etc., aka cleavers.
GORGEOUSNESSgorgeousness n. The characteristic or quality of being gorgeous.
GORGEOUSNESS n. the state of being gorgeous.
GOSSIPMONGERgossipmonger n. A person who spreads gossip.
GOSSIPMONGER n. one who spreads gossip.
GRAPHOLOGIESgraphologies n. Plural of graphology.
GRAPHOLOGY n. the study of handwriting.
HORNSWOGGLEDhornswoggled v. Simple past tense and past participle of hornswoggle.
HORNSWOGGLE v. (slang) to cheat or trick; bamboozle.
HORNSWOGGLEShornswoggles v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of hornswoggle.
HORNSWOGGLE v. (slang) to cheat or trick; bamboozle.
LOGOGRAPHERSlogographers n. Plural of logographer.
LOGOGRAPHER n. a person who writes speeches or chronicles historical events.
LOGOGRAPHIESlogographies n. Plural of logography.
LOGOGRAPHY n. a method of printing in which whole words or syllables, cast as single types, are used.
ORGANOGENIESORGANOGENY n. the development of living organisms.
ORGANOLOGIESorganologies n. Plural of organology.
ORGANOLOGY n. the science of organs or of anything considered as an organic structure.
PROGESTOGENSprogestogens n. Plural of progestogen.
PROGESTOGEN n. any of a range of hormones of the progesterone type.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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