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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing E, 2G, I, S and 2T

AGGLUTINATESagglutinates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of agglutinate.
AGGLUTINATE v. to glue together; in philology, to make compound words by additions.
GASTIGHTNESSgastightness n. The quality of being gastight.
GASTIGHTNESS n. the state of being gastight.
GEOMAGNETISTgeomagnetist n. One who studies geomagnetism.
GEOMAGNETIST n. a student of geomagnetism.
GEOSTRATEGICgeostrategic adj. Pertaining to the strategy of dealing with geopolitical issues; geopolitically strategic.
GEOSTRATEGIC adj. related to geostrategy, a branch of geopolitics that deals with strategy, also GEOSTRATEGICAL.
GERATOLOGISTgeratologist n. One who studies geratology.
GERATOLOGIST n. a student of geratology.
GLOTTOLOGIESGLOTTOLOGY n. the science of tongues or languages.
GUESTIMATINGguestimating v. Present participle of guestimate.
GUESTIMATE v. to make an intuitive estimate, also GUESSTIMATE.
INGURGITATESingurgitates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ingurgitate.
INGURGITATE v. to swallow greedily or in large quantities.
LIGHTWEIGHTSlightweights n. Plural of lightweight.
light-weights n. Plural of light-weight.
LIGHTWEIGHT n. a person of little account.
PETTIFOGGERSpettifoggers n. Plural of pettifogger.
PETTIFOGGER n. a petty, quibbling, unscrupulous lawyer.
REGURGITANTSregurgitants n. Plural of regurgitant.
REGURGITANT n. a drug causing regurgitation.
REGURGITATESregurgitates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of regurgitate.
regurgitates n. Plural of regurgitate.
REGURGITATE v. to bring back into the mouth after swallowing.
STRAIGHTEDGEstraightedge adj. (Informal) Living one’s life opposing or eschewing the use of substances such as alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.
straightedge n. A flat, rectangular tool used to draw, cut or check the straightness of straight lines.
straight␣edge n. (Uncountable) A lifestyle and subculture that advocates abstinence from alcohol, tobacco and the usage…
STRATEGISINGstrategising v. Present participle of strategise.
STRATEGISE v. to devise a strategy or course of action, also STRATEGIZE.
STRATEGIZINGstrategizing v. Present participle of strategize.
strategizing n. The formulation of a strategy.
STRATEGIZE v. to devise a strategy or course of action, also STRATEGISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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