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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing E, F, N, 2S and 2T

DISINFESTANTdisinfestant n. A substance used to eliminate pests.
DISINFESTANT n. an agent that disinfests, rids of vermin.
FANTASTICOESFANTASTICO n. (Shakespeare) a dandy.
FESTINATIONSfestinations n. Plural of festination.
FESTINATION n. haste; hurrying walk, symptom of some nervous diseases.
FILMSETTINGSfilmsettings n. Plural of filmsetting.
FILMSETTING n. setting by a process of typesetting.
FLUSTERMENTSflusterments n. Plural of flusterment.
FLUSTERMENT n. the state of being flustered.
FORESTATIONSforestations n. Plural of forestation.
FORESTATION n. the creation of forest.
INFESTATIONSinfestations n. Plural of infestation.
INFESTATION n. the state of being infested.
MANIFESTANTSmanifestants n. Plural of manifestant.
MANIFESTANT n. a person who makes or participates in a manifestation.
MUTTONFISHESmuttonfishes n. Plural of muttonfish.
MUTTONFISH n. a common food fish of the Western Atlantic.
POSTFEMINISTpostfeminist adj. Pertaining to postfeminism.
postfeminist n. One who belongs to the postfeminism movement.
POSTFEMINIST n. a supporter of postfeminism.
SINFONIETTASsinfoniettas n. Plural of sinfonietta.
SINFONIETTA n. (Italian) a short or simple symphony.
SPENDTHRIFTSspendthrifts n. Plural of spendthrift.
SPENDTHRIFT n. one who spends his money recklessly.
STEDFASTNESSstedfastness n. Obsolete form of steadfastness.
STEDFASTNESS n. the state of being stedfast.
TASTEFULNESStastefulness n. The characteristic of being tasteful.
TASTEFULNESS n. the state of being tasteful.
TOPLOFTINESStoploftiness n. The quality of being toplofty.
TOPLOFTINESS n. the state of being toplofty, high and mighty.
TRISTFULNESStristfulness n. Sadness; sorrow; melancholy.
TRISTFULNESS n. the state of being tristful.
TRUSTFULNESStrustfulness n. The property of being trustful.
TRUSTFULNESS n. the state of being trustful.
TRUTHFULNESStruthfulness n. The quality of being truthful.
TRUTHFULNESS n. the state of being truthful.
UNFITTEDNESSunfittedness n. The quality of being unfitted, or unsuitable.
UNFITTEDNESS n. the state of being unfitted.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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